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History of newspaper

When there was no newspaper in early 17th century, all government official news and bulletins were
circulated rarely in certain empires . The first newspaper was printed later in 17 th century in Europe
and it replaced hand written news sheets . Then the printing press came into existence in physical
and technological form . After this the process of printing was born .

Early news publications of the world

Before the invention of the newspaper, there were two major kinds of periodical news publications:

The Handwritten news sheet

Single item news publications.

They both existed simultaneously .

Around 59 BC Roman Empire published Acta Diurna(Daily Acts) or government bulletins as ordered
by Julius Caesar . They were drawn in metal or stone ans posted in public places .
The Chinese government produced news sheets which was known as Tipao and were used
commonly by court officials during the time of Han Dynasty . Between 713-734 Chinese Tang
Dynasty started using the Kaiyuan Za Bao which published government news . It was handwritten on
silk and was referred by government officials .
The government of Venice in the year 1556 first published the monthly Notizie Scritte (Notices)
which at that time cost one Gazetta , a Venetian coin . The Avvisi were handwritten newsletter which
was used to convey political,military and economic news in the whole Europe .

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