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James Rael
Mr. Smith
8 January 2015
1. Garreau, Joel. Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our
Bodies-- and What It Means to Be Human. New York: Doubleday, 2005. Print.

Garreau talks about how technology is going to advance our future and change it forever.
The superheroes that we think of today are really real and are being developed in labs across the
world. The weapons are gadgets that we see on tv and in movies are a good example of the top
secret weapons that we will see I. The next couple of years. How is this technology going to alter
our future for the next 20 years.
This is a good book to read if you are very interested to read about the near future. The
examples and story's that they talk about is that our imagination for the future might be more
advanced than we think. This book is were I gathered all of my theory's from reading this book
and thinking about the future.
This book was really useful, it provided me with different perpestives of the future and
gave me knowledge on how advance we already are. This book helped me conclude that our
future is going to be involved with a lot of technogly. This is a reliable source cause the book is
non fiction and contains a lot of details about projects that are happening now and day. This has
changed my view cause the countless inventions that are being created today and how those
inventions can help improve the world.

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2. Weschcke, Carl L. "Astral Projection Is the next Step in Human Evoution." Llewellyn. N.p.,
2001. Web.
This article talks about simple ways of evoution. We all have to be aware on what's going
on and how we can benefit from this matter. Simple things can help change evoution, everyone
evoves their own way . The second point this article talks about is the Astral world were some
people reach a point were you become more than you think you are.
This source is different from my other sources. This article talks about personal growth
and how that can benefit yourself and the second is the Astral world were you go on a whole new
level and figure out more to yourself then you think you would find out.
This was a nice article is use in my bibliography and this just gives me another way of
looking at evoution and how everyone has a different theory about it and what our world will
turn out to be like in the next couple of years.

3. Boyle, Alan. "NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News."
Human Evoution at the Crossroads. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2015.
This article talks about some benefits and disadvantages in the next steps towards
evoution. We could just create technogly and without notice start to blend in with the technogly
and our normal ways will be lost. Scientist don't want to answer the question what is the next
step in evoution, this is because everyone has there own beliefs in what the world will look like
later on. No matter what evoution will not stop we might not know it but it's going to continue

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This article by NBC news gives the readers two different ideas to think about when reading.
You start to think is the next steps in evoution going to useful to all of us or is it going to destroy
mankind. I can use the information in this article because the information that is given is very
This article is going to be key when I mention the facts that evoution can or can not be
helpful to us in the future. Will the technology destroy us or will it advance mankind and
improve out daily life in the world. This topic started to make me think about the different things
that could happen to us they could be good or bad.

4. "Creation". Dir. Jon Amiel. Perf. Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly. A-Film Distribution, 09.
This movie talks about some important main ideas that Charles Darwin is trying to tell
his oldest daughter named Annie. Darwin has discovered a lot during his life and now he is
trying to write his book The Orgin of Specics. In the beginning of the movie it shows him talking
to his oldest daughter which he teaches her about his life and his theories on evoution. The part
were he tells Annie which is his daughter about an orangutan named Jenny. Who in the end dies
from pneumonia when she gets bought from the zoo. Charles feels responsible for Annie's death
and is a sore subject to speak about.
This film is particularly shows some dramatized scenes that could be skeptical that did and
didn't happen. Some of the scenes in this movie are true and then again some of the parts are
fake. I can use Darwins theories and use them to help me decide what is realist and fake. Darwin
makes some good points in some of his theories.
This movie can be key in my project cause it can provide some fictionally details for me. This
is a good movie and shows you what Darwin had to do in the world. He went against his wife

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and her religion and continued his research in the Galpagos Islands. He took his theories and
tried to write a book about his theories and his point of view on evoution.

5. "FUTURE HUMANS: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve." National Geographic.
National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

This article by National Geographic talks about four things we might see in human
evoution. The first point being made is something that has changed my mind about evoution. Is
evoution dead or will it keep going for ever. The point that has reached me is the old saying "
survival of the fittest" with technogly today there are a lot of advanced medical machines that
can make the weak live forever. The earth is fully populated and there are humans all across the
globe. Is there a need for human evoution or should humans stay the same and live with it.
The article had opened my eyes to what might be the next step in human evoution, will
there even be a next step. Will the next step be artificial evoution were technogly is going to
impact the world. Will it matter if only the rich get to use the technogly or will the poor get to
use new advance technogly. With people getting larger that could mean that there will be a lack
of a healthy immune system and in the future could be more vulnerable to diseases and other
types of viruses.
This article will be a key part to my article and the information that is being stated in the
article will be used for most of my information. The other books that I have read have all given
me different perspectives of what the next step in human evoution.

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