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CHS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15

Spatial Interaction (Movement & Migration)

1. Activity Space Map Analysis
a. Draw boundaries or radii (miles from home) that show the outer limits
of your weekly activity space.

b. Discuss how the three variables affecting activity space affect you and
your familys trips.
i. Stage in life For me as a teenager I dont have very many
places to travel and also dont have a very dependable car to go
super long distances. For my Family having three high school
age kids who are involved in sports and other events makes
finding time a hard task also.
ii. Mobility ability to travel again with an average to large size
family organizing trips and traveling long distances can be hard.
The weather can also have an effect on mobility especially in the
winter when roads are dangerous.
iii. Awareness space knowledge of opportunities Due to schedule
conflicts trips must be planned months in advance which means
being aware of schedules and dates and possible opportunities.
One time this is used by my family is for spring break.
c. After examining your total activity space, discuss the merits of
increasing or decreasing activity space.

CHS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15

Spatial Interaction (Movement & Migration)
Increasing my activity space would allow me to find new connections and
opportunities but would take more gas and more planning of time so as to
get places on time. I could not really decrease my radius seeing as the
furthest place I go is my high school. Most of my friends live around that
same distance also so that would mean cutting them out.
2. Choose a local business and issue a brief report addressing the probability of
spatial interaction.
Berry Blendz: Berry Blendz has a high probability for special interaction
because smoothies are in high demand. This means people who live near buy
will go a lot but it also means that there are multiple smoothie shops that
compete for customers and if you live fare from berry blendz there will be a
more convenient option.
a. Illustrate and describe the distance decay curve that would be most

This graph is a good example of distance decay because the closer you
are to Berry Blendz the more you will go but fairly quickly with distance
the rate of visiting this place decays.
b. Explain the gravity model and Reillys law of Retail Gravitation.
Discuss their applicability to the business.
The gravity model of migration is therefore based upon the idea that as the
importance of one or both of the location increases, there will also be an increase in
movement between them. The farther apart the two locations are, however, the
movement between them will be less. Reillys law states customers may be willing
to travel longer distances to larger retail centers as long as they are large enough.

CHS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15

Spatial Interaction (Movement & Migration)
Both of these make show why this distance decay graph is true for a place like Berry
Blendz especially because it is not as big of a store or chain.
c. Give examples of movement biases that may flow contrary to modeled
If the place of business is on the route of someones daily commute to or from work
they may stop even if its not necessarily close to their house.
3. Place perception stereotype or reality?
a. Think of a place (city, state, country, region) that you would not want
to live for a specific reason(s).
The North Pole: it is cold and barren and nothing lives there. I would have
no friends and would have to bring packaged food. I would probably freeze
to death.
b. Investigate and find statistics and/or evidence to substantiate or
disprove your perception. Was your initial perception a stereotype or
reality or somewhere in between? Explain.
The North Pole is not even a land mass. It is shifting polar ice so
permanent structures are very hard to build there. There is also no
permanent settlements and very small amounts of life. The average
temperature is far below and not safe for living. My assumption was a

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