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Inquiry In Art Education

LTC 7740/4744
Emily Brewer


Field Reflection #1
I know that everyone is going to talk about the classrooms and structure at Lee so I wanted to take this
opportunity to introduce you to CORE (Center of Responsive Education). I am working with Dr.
Virginia Pfannenstiel (Dr. Gennie) in the elementary art class. CORE is a K-12 school, but this semester
I wanted to focus on following one set of students to watch their progress.
Dr. Gennie is an art-on-a-cart teacher and moves from classroom to classroom. When we arrived in the
elementary classroom, there were 3 kiddos and three adults (the teacher and 2 paras). Dr. Gennie
introduced me as Ms. Emily to the class and said that I was going to be working with them. One student
wanted to know my last name because he knew someone named Emily and thought we might have the
same last name. After I told them Brewer they all tried to say it and kept trying until they got it right.
None of the kids were skittish, they all welcomed me as if I was supposed to be there. A little while
later a 4th student came in. One of the teachers told him who I was and he shook my hand and told me
his name (the little cutie). I fell in love with all of them. There were 2 kiddos absent so there would
normally be up to 6 students in the class.
The environment of the classroom that day was very calm. When Dr. Gennie talked to the students she
has a quiet voice and explained what they were going to do in class. A couple of the students asked
about their clay projects and if they were done. She explained that they still needed to put them in the
kiln and the reason they had to wait longer was because The kiln is this big and she put out her arms
as if she was hugging it, and this talland it has shelves that stack like this, and we have to fill up the
whole thing before we can fire it. She was very articulate when speaking so there was little question on
what to do and what was expected.
The students made folded paper containers to put their clay pieces in when they got them back. They
had made clay hearts for Valentines Day and so they used white, red and pink paper to trace around a
template. One student asked if he could use a painting he had done in a previous class to cut and fold.
They were welcome to do that. They practiced their pencil grip while tracing and followed curved lines
to work on cutting skills. Some were independent and some needed a lot of help. Dr. Gennie provided
crayons, stickers and stamps to decorate their container. They were engaged the whole time and seemed
to really enjoy it because they had freedom to put whatever they wanted on it using whatever materials
they wanted. There was one rule that they needed to follow and Dr. Gennie demonstrated how to clean
off the stamps before pressing it into another color of ink. They followed these directions very well.
I am looking forward to going back.

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