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Health Care Reform

By Kirstie Bullock

Why ObamaCare?
To make insurance more affordable for people who were
unable to afford the high prices of insurance policies.
To reduce the government overspending by about $100
billion or more for the next ten years, $1 trillion the
following ten years.
To prevent health providers from declining prospective
members due to pre-existing conditions.

It can help decrease out of
pocket expenses.
Individuals/Families who
make 100-400% of the
Federal Poverty Level are
eligible for subsidies.
Cannot be eligible for
Medicare, Medicaid or
covered by an employer.

Funding Obamacare
2018 insurance companies will pay 40% in excise taxes
on insurance plans worth over $27,500 (families) and
$10,200 (individuals).
Tanning services will be taxed 10%.
2012 Families making over $250,000 per year and
individuals making over $200,000 per year are taxed 3.8%.

2010 starts to close the
prescription drug coverage
2014 member pays out of
Brand-names 47.5%
Generic 79%
2020 Members will pay
25% for both brand and

Expanded to include 133% of the federal poverty level.
Requires states to include adults who dont have children
Federal Government will pay 100% of newly eligible
individuals through 2016.

Insurance Companies
Cannot deny any person or child with pre-existing
Allows children to remain on parents insurance until age
Can find a customized plan through the Marketplace as
well as Medicaid plans and Childrens Health Insurance
Plans (CHIP).

To Buy Or Not To Buy?

2014 must have health coverage or there can be a
penalty involved.
Penalty can usually be 1% of the individuals income or
$47.50 per child and $95 per adult, whichever is greater.
2015 fees applied to tax returns.
Estimated $695 annually with some exceptions of lowincome.

Employers with 50 or more employees must provide
health insurance.
If no coverage provided, will pay a fine of $2,000 per
employee each year if the employee receives federal
subsidies to purchase health insurance.
Immigrants not allowed to purchase even if paid in full
with their own money.

Insurance companies are
not required to cover.
States are able to pass
legislation to choose to opt
out of offering abortion
Prevent federal funds
going in to abortions
except for cases of rape,
incest or the mothers

Typically, women pay significantly more than men in
Women pay for reproductive care, and now there will be
a limit on abortion.
The Health Care Reform plans to address the genderbased differences.
Eliminates co-pays for many of womens essential
preventative services, such as contraception.



Cautious at first.

Argued it was against

capitalism and is

It was thought that 7 million signups were unattainable, and

supporters advised not to read in
to it.
Complexity for a simple issue.
Encouragement to buy
insurance coverage.
To reduce level of bankruptcies.
Health care was largest
reason for bankruptcies.

Many felt they were being

forced to buy something
they werent willing to buy.
Republicans attempted to
repeal many times in

Provides vital aid to many Americans.
Increases taxes in more areas in order to fund.
Closes the prescription gap in Medicare.
Includes adults without children for Medicaid.
Employers must provide insurance for
Abortion is left to the states and federal funds
are not to be put in to it, unless for justifying
Closes gender-based differences.
Democrats enjoy a victory over Republicans.

Pictures Cited
Bernstein, Jonathan. This beats Obamacare I hope. The
Washington Post. 23 August 2013. Web. 1 May 2014.
Burd, Brad. Will You Be Getting a Health Reform Subsidy?
The Huffington Post. 18 April 2013. Web. 1 May 2014.
Dreweke, Joerg. Abortion Coverage Under The Affordable
Care Act: Achieving Transparency And Truly Informed
Consumer Choice. Guttmacher. 27 March 2014. Web. 1
May 2014.
Understanding the Medicare Part D Donut Hole Medicare
Supplement Solutions. N.D. Web. 1 May 2014.

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