KA I - Identification of Learning Problem Target Audience

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Shannon Moore

KA I Identification of Learning Problem

Target Audience
The target audience consists of all students in grades 6-8 at Harlem Middle School that are
reading at or below their current grade level.

Problem Identification
At the end of each school year, teachers examine Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT)
scores specifically in the reading areas. Along with their reading score on the CRCT, a Lexile
Score is also identified for each child. A Lexile Score measures a students reading ability and
that score corresponds with a grade level in which the child is reading at. Teachers have
identified many students that are reading far below their current grade level and not being able to
identify this issue until the end of the year is a big concern for our teachers. There are no
known factors as to why so many students are struggling with reading, but the evidence from
previous CRCT and Lexile scores show there is a problem somewhere. Another trend that was
found after looking at the scores was a connection to the other subjects. Generally, if students
performed poorly on the reading portion of the CRCT, they also performed at a low level in
Science and Social Studies. Having so many students that struggle to read is a concern for
teachers and the need for a program to address these needs and help students increase their
reading ability throughout the year is very important. This program will address these concerns
and help improve reading scores (ability/comprehension). Students will begin reading at their
current grade level according to their Lexile score and progress to their actual grade level
through the year. By using two different online reading programs, students will be able to track
their own progress throughout the year to meet their goals.
Instructional Goals

Provide students in grades 6-8 with an opportunity to increase their Lexile score.
Provide students in grades 6-8 with strategies to help improve their reading abilities by
selecting appropriate reading material.
Provide students in grades 6-8 with an opportunity to increase their reading
comprehension in all subject areas.

KA II Learner Analysis

The target group of learners is a group of 6th grade students at Harlem Middle School in
Harlem, Georgia. There are a total of ninety-three students in this group and the demographics
are as follows: Gender = 48% Female and 45% Male, Race = 75% White, 15% African
American, 5.3% Hispanic, 2% Multi-Racial, 1% Asian, and 1% Alaskan Native American,
Economically Disadvantaged = 45.2%, Gifted Students = 13.9%. All information was obtained
from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). SLDS also provides scores from
previous years on the Criteria Reference Competency Test (CRCT) which is a statewide test that
is administered in grades 3-8. Lexile Scores are also available along with a chart that shows the
students progress over the past years.
Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge

Ability to read at (at least) a second or third grade level

Ability to log into the reading software program(s)
Use software programs such as Accelerated Reader and Total Reader
Search for books or other reading material to read that is of interest to them

Attitudes Toward Content and Academic Motivation

I conducted this analysis through a student survey that consisted of five questions. The students
had the options of no understanding, some understanding, and fully understand when
asked about data analysis. Students had the option to answer not skilled, few or some skills,
or fully skilled when asked about their computer skills. For the motivations to learn, students
had the options to answer by no motivation, some motivation or fully motivated. 38% of
my students said they fully understand data analysis, while 50% said they had some

understanding of data analysis. Only 12% of students claim to have no understanding at all
about data analysis. When asked about their computer skills, 87.3% of students said they were
fully skilled, 10.7% had few or some skills, and 2% expressed that they were not skilled. I
was very pleased with the results of the motivation to learn. 98% of my students said they
were fully motivated to learn while only 2% said they had some motivation to learn.
Thankfully, no one said no motivation.

Educational Ability Levels

Using the most recent Lexile Scores from the CRCT (fifth grade year), 42% of this years
sixth grade students (that I teach) are reading below grade level. A Lexile Score of 925-1185
indicates grades six through eight. A range of 585-940 was indicated for this group of students
not reading on grade level.

General Learning Preference & Attitude Toward Teachers and School

The following information was gathered through student-teacher interviews. I interviewed each
class as a whole to gather this information. Students prefer to learn by hands-on activities,
interactive games, computer based learning, or any form of technology (I-Pad, Student
Responders, SmartBoard, etc.). When asked about their attitude towards the teacher(s), the
majority of students responded by we love our teachers, they work really hard to help us
learn, and they make learning fun for everyone. Their attitude towards the school itself was
very mixed. There are very few computer labs available to students (only 3 in the whole school)
and this is a concern for them. Our building is also not equipped for wireless internet so this also
poses a problem for students and their ability to use other forms of technology in the classroom.

Group Characteristics
Harlem Middle School is a Title I school. Over 50% of our student body is on free and
reduced lunch, which is the indicator for a Title I school. Even though Harlem is located in a
very affluent county, the majority of our community is either at or slightly below the poverty
level. Of the total number of students that I teach, 45% (42 students) are economically
disadvantaged. All students are age appropriate for 6th grade (ages 11-12) except for one
student. This student came from Russia and is older than the other students. All students speak
fluent English, even the 5% of Hispanic students. Around 25% of students come from a single
parent home or are being raised by someone other than their mother or father (i.e. grandparents).

KA III Task Analysis

For the task analysis, I used a topic analysis to guarantee that all students know the facts,
concepts, and principles for this instruction. The majority of students are very aware of their
CRCT (Criterion-Reference Competency Test) scores, but many are not aware of the Lexile
score that is also part of their reading score. The purpose behind the topic analysis is to provide
students with a better understanding of what the Lexile represents and what teachers may use
that score for, and how to improve their reading ability.
Students have used reading programs before in elementary school so there is a familiarity
with the program(s). It is not necessary for me to perform a full procedural analysis on this
part of the instruction for this reason.
Task Analysis Outline
1.0 Define Lexile score and explain its purpose
1.1 A Lexile score measures a students reading ability on a developmental scale(also
known as text complexity band)
1.1.1Low Lexile measurements represent low reading ability and vice versa.
1.1.2 Lexile scores are used to predict how well a student will/can comprehend
a text
1.2 Purpose
1.2.1 Helps readers find books that are at an appropriate reading level(difficulty)
for them specifically How to search for books in the media center or local library that is
on the appropriate reading level for them
1.2.2 Teachers can monitor a readers growth in their reading ability over time Use reading programs such as Accelerated Reader and Total
2.0 Individual Reading CRCT scores and Lexile scores

2.1 Provide each student with their scores

2.2 Explain how to view/understand the scores
2.2.1 Each reading passage from the test is provided with the difficulty level or
Lexile measure, for students to examine also
2.3 Self-Evaluation
2.3.1 A comparison chart will be provided on the overhead for students to view
and determine where they are (grade level) depending on their Lexile score
3.0 Picking out the right book(s)
3.1 Using their Lexile score, students will pick out appropriate books to read
3.2 Use the Media Specialist to assist
4.0 Reading programs
4.1 Accelerated Reader
4.1.1 Review program the elementary schools use this reading program already
so students are familiar with how to use it
4.2 Total Reader
4.2.1 Program overview Log-in Selecting story/book of choice Completing assessment

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

I (Shannon Moore) will serve as the Subject Matter Expert for this instructional plan. My
educational background and qualifications consist of a Bachelors Degree in Middle Grades
Education with concentrations in English Language Arts and Social Studies from Augusta State
University in Augusta, Georgia. I am currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Instructional
Technology from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia.
I currently serve on our schools Data Team and also serve as the sixth grade Language Arts
representative for Harlem Middle School at the county level. The Data Team has also identified
Lexile scores as being an indicator of low reading scores/levels, and has also determined that this

is a measureable goal to help improve students reading abilities. I have seven years of
experience in the Language Arts content and have also been part of the changing of curriculum
from Georgia Performance Standards to the Common Core Standards.
Flowchart of Task Analysis

Define Lexile score and

explain purpose

Provide students with

current Lexile score

Students will perform a

self- evaluation on their
current Lexile score

Identify level appropriate

books/reading material to
help increase

Using those books

students will use an online
reading program to
increase Lexile scores and
monitor progress
KA IV- Instructional Objectives
Terminal Objective 1 Define Lexile score

Enabling Objectives
1A. To identify Lexile scores as a students ability to read on a measurable scale or text
complexity band
1B. To understand that the lower the Lexile score is, the lower the reading ability of a student
will be and vice versa
Terminal Objective 2 Reason(s) why teachers use Lexile scores
Enabling Objectives
2A. Students will be able to find reading level appropriate books according to their own Lexile
score/level to comprehend what the text is about
2B. Monitor student(s) growth in their reading ability overtime (within a years time)
Terminal Objective 3 Use Lexile scores to pick appropriate reading material
Enabling Objectives
3A. Students will use prior knowledge of what their Lexile score is to pick out appropriate
reading material to use to increase their Lexile score/level
3B. Use the Media Specialist as needed to help students pick the right text
Terminal Objective 4 Use a computer based program(s) to increase Lexile scores
Enabling Objectives
4A. Use Accelerated Reader to increase Lexile scores
4B. Use Total Reader to increase Lexile scores

Classification of Instructional Objectives




1, 1A, 1B

2A, 4, 4A, 4B
3, 3A, 3B

Relationship between Instructional Objectives and Standards

Instructional Objective(s)
1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2B


4, 4A, 4B

2A, 3, 3A, 3B

Georgia Performance Standards/ Common

Core Standards
ELACC6RL(I)10 By the end of the year,
read and comprehend literature, including
literary nonfiction, stories, dramas, and poems,
in the grades 6-8 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
ELACC6RL(I)2 Determine a central idea of
a text and how it is conveyed through
particular details; provide a summary of the
text distinct from personal opinions or
National Technology Standard
6 Technology Operations and Concepts:
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
6a. Understand and use technology systems
6b. Select and use applications effectively and
AASL Standards
4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources
that are engaging and appropriate for person
interest and needs.

KA V Development of Assessments





Lesson 1Students will use

a Web 2.0 tool of
their choosing to
demonstrate their
understanding of
what a Lexile
score is and
explain its
purpose in the

Define what a
Lexile score is
and understand
its purpose

Objective 1
Define Lexile
1A. To identify
Lexile scores as
a students
ability to read on
a measurable
scale or text
complexity band
1B. To
understand that
the lower the
Lexile score is,
the lower the
reading ability of
a student will be
and vice versa

Students are
given the choice
of which
technology tool
they would like
to use to exhibit
understanding of
the content

Web 2.0 tool of

choice to
demonstrate or
express student
understanding of
Lexile scores

Lesson 2
Students will use
a different Web
2.0 tool
(different from
Lesson 1) to
demonstrate their
understanding of
why teachers use
Lexile scores and
what they do
with those scores

Understand why
teachers use
Lexile scores and
what teachers do
with the score

Objective 2
Reason(s) why
teachers use
Lexile scores
2A. Students will
be able to find
reading level
books according
to their own
score/level to
what the text is
2B. Monitor
student(s) growth

Students are
given the choice
of which
technology tool
they would like
to use to exhibit
understanding of
the content

Web 2.0 tool of

choice (not the
same one as
Lesson 1) to
demonstrate or
express student
understanding of
the reasons why
teachers use
Lexile scores

in their reading
ability overtime
(within a years

Lesson 3
Students will
create SMART
goals for
increasing their
Lexile score.
This will be done
twice a year;
once at the
beginning, and
then again after
the second

Student will be
able to pick out
material with or
without the help
of the Media
Specialist to help
increase their

Objective 3
Use Lexile
scores to pick
reading material
3A. Students will
use prior
knowledge of
what their Lexile
score is to pick
out appropriate
reading material
to use to increase
their Lexile
3B. Use the
Media Specialist
as needed to help
students pick the
right text

Students are in
charge of their
own learning,
and beginning to
create artifacts
and evidence of
learning and

Students will
create SMART
goals for
increasing their
Lexile score.
Students must
have three goals
stated and be
able to meet
those goals at the
end of each

Lesson 4
Students will use
two different
online reading
programs to
increase their
Lexile score and
monitor their
Students will
create a data
chart showing
their progress

Use an online
reading program
to help increase
their Lexile score
and monitor their
throughout the
school year

Objective 4
Use a computer
based program(s)
to increase
Lexile scores
4A. Use
Reader to
increase Lexile

Students are in
charge of their
own learning,
and beginning to
create artifacts
and evidence of
learning and

quizzes provided
by the reading

4B. Use Total

Reader to

over time.

increase Lexile

Lesson 1 What is a Lexile score?

Objective 1 Define Lexile score
1A. To identify Lexile scores as a students ability to read on a measurable scale or text
complexity band
1B. To understand that the lower the Lexile score is, the lower the reading ability of a
student will be and vice versa
Assessment: Students will be assessed on a presentation of what Lexile scores are and their
purpose. Students will use a Web 2.0 tool of their choice and will be graded by a rubric.
UDL Principles: This assessment meets the UDL principle of multiple means of expression and
representation. Students are given the option to choose which Web 2.0 tool they want to express
their understanding of the content.
Lesson 2 Why do teachers use Lexile scores?
Objective 2 Reason(s) why teachers use Lexile scores
2A. Students will be able to find reading level appropriate books according to their
own Lexile score/level to comprehend what the text is about
2B. Monitor student(s) growth in their reading ability overtime (within a years time)
Assessment: Students will create a presentation using a different Web 2.0 tool than they did in
Lesson 1. Student should be able to express the reasons why teachers use Lexile scores.
Students will be graded using a rubric.
UDL Principles: This assessment meets the UDL principle of multiple means of expression and
representation also. Students are given the option to choose a different Web 2.0 tool than they
did in Lesson 1, so they can express their understanding of the content in a different, yet,
technology centered way.
Lesson 3 Picking the right book and setting a goal!
Objective 3 Use Lexile scores to pick appropriate reading material
3A. Students will use prior knowledge of what their Lexile score is to pick out
appropriate reading material to use to increase their Lexile score/level
3B. Use the Media Specialist as needed to help students pick the right text

Assessment: Students will create SMART goals based on their current Lexile score and identify
ways to increase that score by the end of the year. This will be done twice during the year; once
at the beginning and again after the first semester.
UDL Principles: This activity and assessment meets the UDL principle of multiple means of
representation. Some students will have similar Lexile scores, but the majority of students will
be on different levels. Because of this, each student will be choosing books that fit their current
Lexile score and one step ahead to help improve that score as well as picking books that are of
interest to them.

Lesson 4 Assessing Reading Progress

Objective 4 Use a computer based program(s) to increase Lexile scores
4A. Use Accelerated Reader to increase Lexile scores
4B. Use Total Reader to increase Lexile scores

Assessment: Students will be assessed based on the books they choose to read. Within the online
reading programs, students will take short, comprehensive quizzes that assess their knowledge of
the book. Student progress will also be monitored with these programs to ensure that students
are progressing to their SMART goal by the end of the school year.
UDL Principles: This meets both multiple means of expression and representation also. Student
will be using two different reading programs that are slightly different from each other. The
intended outcome is the same, but the process of each will be different according to the books
that students choose as well.

Assessment Examples
Objective 1 Assessment
Web 2.0 Presentation Rubric
Lesson 1 What is a
Lexile score?
Objectives Met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are slightly met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are mostly met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are fully met


Presentation is
difficult to understand
and/or read

Presentation is
understandable, but
needs more work

Presentation is well
organized and easy to
understand and/or


Presentation has 4-5

grammatical errors

Presentation has 2-3

grammatical errors

Presentation has no
grammatical errors

Web 2.0 Tool Used: ______________________________

Total =

Objective 2 Assessment
Web 2.0 Presentation
Lesson 2 Why do
teachers use Lexile

Objectives Met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are slightly met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are mostly met

Instructional goal(s)
or learning objectives
are fully met


Presentation is
difficult to understand
and/or read

Presentation is
understandable, but
needs more work

Presentation is well
organized and easy to
understand and/or


Presentation has 4-5

grammatical errors

Presentation has 2-3

grammatical errors

Presentation has no
grammatical errors

Web 2.0 Tool Used: ______________________________

Total =

Objective 3 Assessment Creating SMART Goals Worksheet

Name: _____________________________________

Reading (Lexile Score)
My current Lexile score is ______________________
My goal is: ______________________________

I will reach my goal by this date: ___________________________________________

To reach my goal, I will pick three books with different Lexile scores. They are:
1. _____________________________________________ Lexile Level # _________________
2. _____________________________________________ Lexile Level # _________________
3. _____________________________________________ Lexile Level # _________________

I have reached my goal when:


Objective 4 Assessment
Online Reading Program Quizzes
Example #1 Accelerated Reader Student App for IPad

Example #2 Accelerated Reader Progress

Example # 3 Total Reader Quiz

Example # 4 Total Reader Results

KA VI Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Instructional Sequence

Define Lexile score and its purpose
Reasons why teachers use Lexile scores
Picking out the appropriate books/reading material
Increasing Lexile scores using an online reading program


The instructional sequence for this lesson is a learning-related sequence. Students must first
understand what Lexile scores are before moving onto any other part of the lesson. Next, the
students will know what Lexile scores are used for and why their teacher(s) may use them in the
classroom or for any assignment. This sequence allows students to fully understand one concept

before moving to another, more complex concept. Each lesson builds upon the previous lesson
to ensure student understanding.
Lesson 1 What is a Lexile score?
Objective 1 Define Lexile score
1A. To identify Lexile scores as a students ability to read on a measurable scale or text
complexity band
1B. To understand that the lower the Lexile score is, the lower the reading ability of a
student will be and vice versa
Initial Presentation: Students will research Lexile scores by answering the following prompts.
1. What is a Lexile score?
2. What does the Lexile score represent?
After this discussion of Lexile scores, students will be asked to self-assess their own Lexile
score (what they think their Lexile score is). After the self-assessment, students will be given
their current Lexile score.
UDL: Students who need more direction as to where to find this information will be given two
specific websites to search on. Other students who are more advanced and computer skills ready
will have the options to search independently with the search engine of their choice.
Sitzmann, T., Ely, K., Brown, K. G., & Bauer, K. N. (2010). Self-Assessment of Knowledge: A
Cognitive Learning or Affective Measure?. Academy Of Management Learning &
Education, 9(2), 169-191. doi:10.5465/AMLE.2010.51428542

Lesson 2 Why do teachers use Lexile scores?

Objective 2 Reason(s) why teachers use Lexile scores
2A. Students will be able to find reading level appropriate books according to their
own Lexile score/level to comprehend what the text is about
2B. Monitor student(s) growth in their reading ability overtime (within a years time)
Motivational Strategy: Students will first speculate on what Lexile scores are used for and why
teachers may use them.
UDL: Students will be able to use multiple means of expression to show their knowledge and
higher order thinking skills when replying to the prompt.
Andre, T. (1979). Does answering higher-level questions while reading facilitate productive
learning? Review of Educational Research, 49(2), 280-318.

Lesson 3 Picking the right book and setting a goal!

Objective 3 Use Lexile scores to pick appropriate reading material
3A. Students will use prior knowledge of what their Lexile score is to pick out
appropriate reading material to use to increase their Lexile score/level
3B. Use the Media Specialist as needed to help students pick the right text
Initial Presentation: Students will view a brief presentation on how books are identified by Lexile
levels. After viewing this information, students will have an understanding of what books are
appropriate for them to read and what books can help them increase their reading ability.
Motivational Strategy: Students will complete a SMART Goals worksheet that will help them
reach their goal(s) by the end of the school year.
UDL: Students will have multiple means of expression and representation with this activity.
Each student will have their own personal goals to set for reading, so no two students should be
the same.
The Power of SMART Goals: Using Goals to improve Student Learning. (2006). Adolescence,
41(161), 215.

Lesson 4 Assessing Reading Progress

Objective 4 Use a computer based program(s) to increase Lexile scores
4A. Use Accelerated Reader to increase Lexile scores
4B. Use Total Reader to increase Lexile scores
Generative Strategy: Students will be assessed through two different online reading programs.
Once students have read a book of their choosing and appropriate Lexile level, they will take a
quiz on that book. The quiz scores for comprehension of the material, gives a grade, and also
tracks the students progress over a period of time.
UDL: This strategy is a principle concept of multiple means of expression. Students are given
the choice of hundreds of books in the Media Center to read, as long as the book is within that
students Lexile range.

Archer, L. E. (2010). Lexile Reading Growth as a Function of Starting Level in At-Risk Middle
School Students. Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(4), 281-290.
HIEBERT, E. H. (2012). The Common Core State Standards and Text Complexity. Teacher
Librarian, 39(5), 13-19.

KA VII Design of Instruction

Lesson 1Students will use
a Web 2.0 tool of
their choosing to
demonstrate their
understanding of
what a Lexile
score is and

Define what a
Lexile score is
and understand
its purpose




Objective 1
Define Lexile
1A. To identify
Lexile scores as
a students
ability to read on
a measurable
scale or text

Students are
given the choice
of which
technology tool
they would like
to use to exhibit
understanding of

Web 2.0 tool of

choice to
demonstrate or
express student
understanding of
Lexile scores

explain its
purpose in the

complexity band
1B. To
understand that
the lower the
Lexile score is,
the lower the
reading ability of
a student will be
and vice versa

the content

Lesson 2
Students will use
a different Web
2.0 tool
(different from
Lesson 1) to
demonstrate their
understanding of
why teachers use
Lexile scores and
what they do
with those scores

Understand why
teachers use
Lexile scores and
what teachers do
with the score

Objective 2
Reason(s) why
teachers use
Lexile scores
2A. Students will
be able to find
reading level
books according
to their own
score/level to
what the text is
2B. Monitor
student(s) growth
in their reading
ability overtime
(within a years

Students are
given the choice
of which
technology tool
they would like
to use to exhibit
understanding of
the content

Web 2.0 tool of

choice (not the
same one as
Lesson 1) to
demonstrate or
express student
understanding of
the reasons why
teachers use
Lexile scores

Lesson 3
Students will
create SMART
goals for
increasing their
Lexile score.
This will be done

Student will be
able to pick out
material with or
without the help
of the Media

Objective 3
Use Lexile
scores to pick
reading material
3A. Students will
use prior

Students are in
charge of their
own learning,
and beginning to
create artifacts
and evidence of
learning and

Students will
create SMART
goals for
increasing their
Lexile score.
Students must
have three goals

twice a year;
once at the
beginning, and
then again after
the second

Specialist to help
increase their

knowledge of
what their Lexile
score is to pick
out appropriate
reading material
to use to increase
their Lexile
3B. Use the
Media Specialist
as needed to help
students pick the
right text


stated and be
able to meet
those goals at the
end of each

Lesson 4
Students will use
two different
online reading
programs to
increase their
Lexile score and
monitor their
Students will
create a data
chart showing
their progress
over time.

Use an online
reading program
to help increase
their Lexile score
and monitor their
throughout the
school year

Objective 4
Use a computer
based program(s)
to increase
Lexile scores
4A. Use
Reader to
increase Lexile

Students are in
charge of their
own learning,
and beginning to
create artifacts
and evidence of
learning and

quizzes provided
by the reading

4B. Use Total

Reader to
increase Lexile

KA VIII Formative Evaluation Plan

I will use a summative evaluation for the student learner for the online module. I will use
a combination of interviews and achievement test (monitored progress from the beginning to the
end of the school year) from the online reading programs. For the SME, I will use a
connoisseur-based study with the assistance of our Media Specialist. Our Media Specialist has
over fifteen years experience in the Language Arts classroom and is also working on her
Instructional Technology degree.
Student Interviews
1. Did you enjoy this online course?
2. Do you feel like you understand the learning objectives that were presented to you?
3. What were your goals?
4. Did you meet your goals?
5. Did this online course help you achieve your goals?
6. What do you think could be done differently in this course?
7. Other comments:
After collecting this data, I will analyze and interpret the data based on either positive and/or
negative feedback. Also, I will focus on the opinions and attitudes expressed in their comments
and answers.
SME Connoisseur-based Study
I will ask the SME to examine the online course and provide her opinions based on the
1. Organization and Flow
2. Accuracy of Content
3. Readability
4. Representation of current best practices
5. Overall effectiveness
After collecting this data, I will analyze the results based on her expert opinion and make
changes accordingly.

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