Geogebra Some Tips

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Plotting Functions


Plot r = cos(2)
Hint: Create a slider s from 0 to 2,
for the end value of t, Then type curve
[f(t)cos(t), f(t)sin(t),t, 0,s]
Then change the slider and verify the path

Ordinary Functions

To plot a function, for example f (x) = sin x, in the

input box type f(x)=sin(x) or y=sin(x) or simply

Taylors series of sin x

To Do
plot the functions xn
Hint: Create a slider for n
Plot the functions ex , sin( x1 ), |x|, sin tan x

To get the Taylors series of a function

TaylorPolynomial[ <Function>, <x-Value>,
<Order Number> ] if x-value is 0 we get the series
about x = 0 and the order number is the highest
power of x term

Plot x sin( x1 ) and y = x y = x on the same

To Do Draw the Taylors series of sin x and Create
window and watch the function at (0,0)
a slider for the order number and change the slider


Implicit Functions

Only implicit polynomial functions can be draw using

To Do
plot x2 + y 2 + xy 3 = 0

Piece-wise Functions

Use If[ <Condition>, <Then>, <Else> ]

For example if[x<pi, cos(t), sin(t)] for
cos x if x < pi
f (x) =
sin x if x > pi

plot x99 y y 99 x = 1

Try to plot x 3 + y 3 = 1
Hint: Not Possible using implicit plot


To Do
Plot the function sin x for < x <
Reflect the function about y = x using reflect
tool to get the graph of sin1 x

Parametric Plot

The syntax is
curve[xfunction, yfunction, parameter,
startvalue, endvalue]
For example to plot x = cos t, y = sin t, in the input
box, type curve[sin(t),cos(t),0,2pi]
To Do In the Calculus(Anton) book do some exercise problemspage 701 Qn.23


Polar Plot

Plot the graph of cos1 x

Plot the graphs of ex and log x on the same window


The derivative syntax is Derivative[ <Function>,

<Number> ]. If the number is 2 we get the second

There is no direct option for polar plot, parametric

plot can be used to plot polar relations like r = f (). To Do
For, first define the function f (x) and then type
Draw the graph of x2 sin( x1 )
Draw the derivative of the above function
To Do

5 Upper
Plot r = cos() and r = 1 + cos
Hint: Type f(x)=cos(x) hit enter
then curve[f(t)cos(t),f(t)sin(t),t,0,2pi] Exercise
Thank You
then change f(x)=1+cos(x)

Sum and Lower Sum

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