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Muhammad Abdurrahman Lathief Pratama


1. MEGA is an app to helps you, to model a business process and EA.

2. BPM Diagram is a visualization of inner and inter organization with BPMN.
3. Internal & External,
a. Internal: element which is in inner company structure. There are few types, structure,
function, manager, and company.
b. External: an external elements or entities that has interactions with the companys
4. BPM notation.
a. Business process: to map the business process with the output products or services
from the company to the client.
b. Swimlane: as the limitation of the operation.
c. Participant: the partition of some process task.
d. Data object: to define hot data, documents, or another thins is being used or updated
as long as the process work.
e. Message flow: define delivered information between companies.
f. Sequence flow: show step by step how the process works.
g. Offering: creation of a products or services.
5. Exception flows :
a. Gateways, the elements of a business process model to visualize the merging process
b. Intermediate events, notation to show the happening process after the process started
and before it goes to end.
c. Sequence conditioning, condition or factor that control the organization from an
organizational process.
6. User requirements is the limitation, what is needed from system, in the users perspective.
Including what kind of apps used, software provided, features, or implemented system.
7. Task type :
a. Normal task, single action that occurs in a business process.
b. Loop task, task that repeats over and over again.
c. Multiple instance, task that happens multiple times, could be in parallel or sequentially,
d. Compensation, special version that only happens when another specific task has
e. Compensation loop, multiple instance compensation task would be paying each of the
3 editors.

8. BPAD Expresss organizational chart:

9. BPAD Expresss Business Process Diagram:

10. BPAD Expresss Organizational Process:

Sources :

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