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2015 Shows

1-16-2015 Friday topics include

Spirit Lost or Missing: Ron explains how to tell and if anything can
help a person that has lost their spirit ~
Go to the BBS/CLS archives 1-16-2015 Friday Show

1-17-2015 Saturday topics include

Emotional release and Pain vs Space-holder information
Go to the BBS/CLS archives: Friday 1/17/2015.
1-23-2015 Friday topics include
Beginners - start with: The Emotional Whole Lifetime Clearing
and the FREE Clearing Samples (left side
Listen to BBS archive show Friday 1-23-2015.
1-24-2015 Saturday topics include
Object Clearings - listen to BBS Radio show from Saturday 1-24-2015

2-14-2015 Saturday topics include

Death - discussed BBS Saturday 2-14 2015

If we die . on this timeline and we are also living on other timelines,
what happens to the other lives? If we do the Spirit Bar
Code release
for a deceased loved
one, what happens to their other timelines?
I saw my loved ones on other timelines even though I did the spirit
bar code release.
(Note - see also Deceased Loved
One Clearing)
Feet Air Cushions Testimonial - discussed BBS Saturday 214-2015
What a wonderful treat the night you gave them
for two day for sure,walking on air ,than after the entity clearing from
last Monday show ww2 persons with feet problem have not felt any
pain, I did as a child watch ww2 movies with my dad,,,,,,
Wow thanks the combo has made the
steps betters"
Four in one clearing - Testimonial - discussed BBS Saturday
"Dear CLS listeners,
I had an amazing healing recently. Ron was able to see some
energies/contracts on me from my soul
family and release them,
releasing lots of heaviness from the distant past which was effecting
me greatly in my current
life. This was during the 4 in 1 healing
so I was also able to hook up with my original planet energies and
Twin Flame
energy. These both felt wonderful. Then Ron was

able to release some problems from an accident I had many years

He used the CLS energy to move structural tissue which had
been molded into it's current position through more than 30 years
of hardened fascia, joints and bone densities. This was truly
miraculous work. Thank you Ron and CLS! A
longtime listener
Meditation option comments - discussed BBS Saturday 2-142015
Instead of meditating for long hours like I used to, I now just used the
Be here in the NOW clearing. I find it makes me able to be Present
and stops all the other things that weren't allowing me to be present.
All thoughts are something I can now laugh at, thanks for the Be
here clearings.
Light Being connection - discussed BBS Saturday 2-14-2015
Receiving your healing I often like to just radio in and then leave the
picture up. I don't really feel like I can connect with
the pictures
that often, but that's because i have a lot of built up anxiety. Does
this prevent me
from receiving healing
since I'm not holding the
picture with me the whole time and am in free space? I just figured
that the light beings can connect with me wherever i am just as
long as i hit the radio button
Oneness - discussed BBS Saturday 2-14-2015
Wouldn't a oneness clearing to get our spirits back from parallel
Planets be appropriate?
Protection - discussed BBS Saturday 2-14-2015
Could we also do the self empowerment clear dark side practitioner
as temporary. or do the timeline crash also while at the expo for
protection I now increase my life force energy for the person who
went to that dreadful Awaken Fair. I knew that would be a
problem..with psychic energy and dark side practitioners"
Trapped Is



Saturday 2-14-2015

Mind Looping Patterns List and Mind Looping Clearing

(TOPIC: "Revelations" as read on Contact Talk Radio
Some Behaviors of the Mind Looping Patterns (relating
to Mind Loop 1 Clearing)
1. Lyrics and songs that still play in your head long after the music
asking the
even though it was
already four times and
Using the same set words or same set
expression inappropriately in

response to different questions

4. Continuous, self critical, self-destructive and judgmental thoughts
ones self and others.
5. People who when angry or agitated repeat themselves and you
can't get
through to them (also robotic program).
6. People who walk around talking out loud to themselves and don't
7. Someone's voice and words that constantly echoes in your head
(it could sound like your own).
8. Images and memories you want to forget/ let go but can't
9. Feeling like a "scatterbrain" - unfocused, forgetful, mindless.
10. Obsessive thoughts about someone or something, "In a spin"
Cording- discussed
" Hi Ron, I returned a call from a relative I hadn't heard from in a long
time. He sounded cheerful and I protected myself
before calling
back, I thought there would be less chance of cording if I just called.
Well, I am spending the day clearing
key words of diseases and
tragedies, and timelines from the past. So grateful to have these
tools from CLS, what a
difference to speak to someone so in
darkness, wish I could always be around other clear, humans. I see
people now as
the small end of a funnel, don't know what is
Feet Air Cushions Testimonial - discussed BBS Saturday 214-2015 "what a wonderful treat the night you gave them for two
day for sure,walking on air ,than after the entity clearing from last
Monday show ww2 persons with feet problem have not felt any pain,
I did as a child watch ww2 movies with my dad,,,,,,Wow thanks the
combo has made the steps betters"
Four in one clearing - Testimonial - discussed BBS Saturday
Dear CLS listeners,
I had an amazing healing recently. Ron was able to see some
energies/contracts on me from my soul family and release them,
releasing lots of heaviness from the distant past which was effecting
me greatly in my current
life. This was during the 4 in 1 healing
so I was also able to hook up with my original planet energies and
Twin Flame energy. These both felt wonderful. Then Ron was able to
release some problems from an accident I had
many years ago.
He used the CLS energy to move structural
tissue which had been molded into it's current position through more
than 30 years of hardened fascia, joints and bone densities. This
was truly miraculous work. Thank you Ron and CLS! A
Meditation option comments - discussed BBS Saturday 2-142015

Instead of meditating for long hours like I used to, I now just used
the Be here in the NOW clearing. I find it makes me able to be
Present and stops all the other things that weren't allowing me to
be present. All thoughts are something I can now laugh at,
thanks for the Be here clearings.
Light Being connection - discussed BBS Saturday 2-14-2015
Receiving your healing I often like to just radio in and then leave the
picture up. I don't really feel like I can connect with
the pictures
that often, but that's because i have a lot of built up anxiety. Does
this prevent me from receiving healing
since I'm not holding the
picture with me the whole time and am in free space? I just figured
that the light beings can connect with me wherever i am just
as long as i hit the radio button.
2-20-2015 Friday topics include on - discussed on BBS Radio
Friday 2-20-2015
Emotional Clearing information ~ please - discussed on BBS
Radio Friday 2-20-2015
WEARING SUNGLASSES - - discussed on BBS Radio Friday 2-202015 -

Emotional Body - testimonial - Ron, After my deceased brother

was released from me - I felt my spine adjust,chest pain
gone,breathing better,no fast food cravings. . You are the best! discussed on BBS Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Clone Type - Concerning Ron's talk ,on the Wednesday 2-18-2015
show , about a person being either 100% Clone or part Clone and
part human, there are three points: 1. I don't ever get startled. 2. I
only smile at the kids at the store. 3. I learn from a new human
experience instead of it being in my Data Base sometimes. So, am I a
partial or a full or part Hybrid Clone.? I do the three clearings
constantly ( Clone to Light, Alien to Light, and Human/Animal to Light
offered FREE (at this time) per email request to I feel like I could be okay. - discussed
on BBS Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Chinese Timelines - Confusion on days ~ Why am I confused
about which day it is? This started Wed. Waking up this am - I
thought it was Saturday!!!! What is happening to my mind? discussed on BBS Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Chinese timeline Information ~ Thanks for explaining why I felt
very off the last two days, hard staying on CLS Now Timeline of Light.
What else should we do to protect ourselves? - discussed on BBS
Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Chinese Timelines -To me China has no time zones at all in the

entire country unlike US with couple of time zones. Their calendar is

not only lunar but combo solar as well.. I have timeline crashes up so
no effect on me 24/7 A few country in Asia don't have any time zones
in their country. - discussed on BBS Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Clearing the 20th - Information ~ Oh My this is so heavy for
me,It is my oldest daughter Birthday,she was abducted 10 years
ago ,this make sense now to me,with these time lines from china and
the time line,i was dizzy,yawning,thanks Ron. - discussed on BBS
Radio Friday 2-20-2015
Chinese timelines Information ~ Yes, I wanted Chinese food
- discussed on BBS Radio Friday 2-20-2015

2-21-2015 Saturday topics include

Spirit and Pictures - discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-212015
~ I was going thought a box of old pictures, and was blown
away by all the RED eyes in my young children and LD Light Red and
white in my dogs too. Growing up we were told red eyes was from the
way the light captured as the light from the camera hit you. **** Well
these eyes were scary, very bright and most were not even looking at
the camera. My Question Ron: You tell us our Spirit's lives in these
pictures! Does the Red Eye Devil Shape Shifter live as well? if so can
we clear them ? or can we burn the pictures to clear them? Thanks!
Deceased Clearing discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-212015 - What is the distinction between the Deceased Loved One's
Emotional clearing the Deceased Loved One's Spirit clearing?
Genes - Animals with People discussed on BBS Radio Saturday
2-21-2015 ~ Are there animal genes in people? Information ~ Are
there animal genes in people?
Alien Mind Control ~ discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-212015 q- hello,- can we assume that every alien race that trades off
control of our minds every ten minutes is not one bit concerned with
human well being, or might some races be less sinister than others?
Thanks everyone!
Energy Consumption - discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 221-2015 ~ how does the alien eat our energy,is it like when we
eat food?
Love feelings ~ discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-212015 ~ discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-21-2015 ~ talk
about love- Information ~ : So Ron is the feeling we get like
butterfly's in are stomach people call being In Love,,,,what is that?
Cordings to that person? Is it bad because it take us out of the Now?
Fri, Feb 20th 2015, 10:24 PM ~ discussions include Energetic People
Cording Release
Controlling people Clearing ~ discussed on BBS Radio

Saturday 2-21-2015 ~ Information : How do I get rid of my

parents wanting to control my life? What can be done? ~
discussions include The Soul Family Disconnection, Self
Empowerment, Emotional Clearing, Psychic Billboard Mind Projection,
and Darkside Mind Control ~ Aliens and Human Practitioners
Recurring Event - Problematic Situation Barcode Removal discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 2-212015(Subject: confused??? ) $50 each Is that $50 for each name to
be used in an unlimited fashion for one person? or Is that $50 for
each Recurring Event Situation you want to remove a barcode from?
Do I need to purchase it again to run it again? Thanks!
Earth Barcode Removal ~ discussed on BBS Radio Saturday 221-2015 question? Ron, I bought and ran the EARTH BARCODE
REMOVAL program in Nov 2012, over 2 years ago. With all the earth
changes since then, should I continue to use the UNLIMITED and run
the barcode removal every month? Thanks!
Monetary Magnet Workshop : testimonial discussed on BBS
Radio Saturday 2-21-2015
Monthly Rejuvenation Call : testimonial regarding health ~
Monthly 8-hour Healing Intensive Call - discussed on BBS Radio
Saturday 2-21-2015
Spirit Retention: How to keep our spirit within? Remove emotional
issues or your spirit will not come. - discussed on BBS Radio
Saturday 2-21-2015

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