Wiki - Syllabus - Coursera

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Wiki - Syllabus | Coursera

Earn a Verified Certificate for this course!

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Welcome and Course Description

Welcome to Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA), offered by the University of
California, San Francisco, on Coursera. This course will provide the scientific basis behind the caries
balance concept, which is the key to caries management by risk assessment in clinical practice.
Dental Caries (tooth decay) is a bacterially based disease that progresses when acid produced by
bacterial action on dietary fermentable carbohydrates travels into the tooth and dissolves the
carbonated hydroxyapatite mineral. If protective factors prevail, the caries process is halted or
The course will present tools to implement CAMBRA in your clinical setting. It can be implemented in
medical and dental settings, and can benefit children and adults of all ages. Implementation in dental
practice provides patients with genuine hope and success for the management of their oral health. It
is a practice builder for dentistry.

Weekly Overview
Each week, a new series of Video Lectures will be available for students to review; these lectures will
total about two hours per week. Detailed information about each week's learning objectives, lectures,
and deadlines is available on the "Weekly Information" pages, located in the left-hand navigation bar.
Except where otherwise noted, each week's material is due at the end of the week it is assigned. In this
course, weeks begin at 12:00pm (Noon) Pacific Time each Monday, and end at 11:59am Pacific Time
the following Monday.

Quizzes, Assignments, and Grading

Each week, students will complete a ten-question multiple choice quiz about the week's material.
Although multiple attempts are provided, correct answers and scores are not revealed until each quiz
has closed. For each quiz, the final graded score is the highest scoring attempt.
Students will be asked to read journal articles, and complete reflective/analytical writing about these
readings as well as each week's lecture materials. Detailed information on each of these assignments
will be available in the Weekly Information pages as the course progresses. Please note that
completing peer review of the assignments is a required part of your grade on each peer-reviewed
writing assignment; if you do not complete the peer review of your classmates' work, your own grade
on the assignment will be marked down 20% as a penalty. Please do not use a mobile device when



Wiki - Syllabus | Coursera

evaluating your peers' submissions as you may experience errors.

The overall passing grade for the course is 70%. To earn a passing grade, students must complete
the weekly quizzes, peer-reviewed writing assignments, and evaluations of their classmates writing
assignments. Students are not required to complete quizzes and writing assignments to participate in
the course, but cannot earn a passing grade nor a course credential unless the necessary number of
points are met. The breakdown for this course is as follows:
6 Quizzes at 10 points each = 60 points
4 Assignments at 10 points each = 40 points
Total possible points = 100 points
Passing grade = 70 points
The deadlines on all quizzes, exams, and assignments are hard deadlines; thus, work submitted
beyond the deadline will not count for a grade. Please be sure to give yourself enough time to
complete work well before the deadline to account for any technical or unforeseen issues you may
encounter. Additionally, you may also want to consider setting your timezone on your Coursera
account to your timezone. More information on how to change your account timezone can be found

Technical Requirements
To successfully access all course materials (video lectures, quizzes, and peer assessments), students
must use a web browser supported by Coursera; newer versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome,
and Firefox are all supported. Coursera provides detailed information about supported versions of
these four browsers ( Please note that mobile devices (iOS, Android,
etc.) are not supported by Coursera at this time -- although you may be able to access some course
materials with a mobile device, these are generally not compatible with all course features (particularly
Peer Assessments).
If you have difficulties playing back video lectures, click the link at the top of the Video Lectures page
( which reads "Having trouble viewing
lectures? Try changing players." If this does not resolve your issues, try switching to a different
supported web browser (even if the browser and version you currently use appears on Coursera's list
of supported software).

Created Mon 25 Feb 2013 5:18 PM PST

Last Modified Mon 31 Mar 2014 11:17 AM PDT


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