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Time History and History of Time

Modal analysis is my favorite nowadays. I see trees are in a damped harmonic motion
with wind around, and I do calculations of logarithmic decay of the amplitudes while I am
watching them from my window. Its just not the fun; I like things are finally become
variables in a differential equation that if it knows its value for a particular moment in time
and from that point onwards forecasting the entire phenomena by a simple manipulation of
the equation itself.
Damped harmonic motion was a baby, a long before known to me but response spectrum
gives me lot insight into the real hit and run scenarios in perceptual world.
What logarithms do in this spectrum analysis at once is so mind blowing; as I was looking
into tripartite or four way logarithmic plot for the first time in my whole life. It is so peculiar
to plot a graph having four axes and one coordinate system copying itself half quadrant to
its origin with most scarily, having logarithmic scale!

Anyway i have no boundary for stay behind once I am falling onto this arena of
mathematical jargon. I always dreamed of getting orthogonal functions or eigenvalues or
eigenvectors for solutions of Schrodinger equation just for the results for waves, actually I
will never feel them or touch, but earthquake waves will be there to touch not only my
body, it will keep on touching everything coming across its way to end.
I could have handled them, the deeper I get into of time history, much sophisticatedly!
Dawson P
23 February 2015

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