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16 Feb 2015

Criterion D. Evaluating
DEADLINE: 16 Feb (T) 12 midnight
Part I. Product Testing
A. Self-testing
1. Describe in a detailed paragraph how you tested your project before presenting the final version to your target
users/audience. Discuss how you checked and improved the technical/functional problems that you encountered.
(Minimum 100 words)
My project was an augmented reality to aware people of the effects of pollution. To do this I made two augmented realities on the page, one was a
video aimed at all ages to aware people of the consequences of pollution and how it could affect their lives and the lives of people around them. The
other augmented reality video was a compilation of images, images of pollution. I tested my project using the Aurasma app to make sure it worked
and there were no faults. While working I kept having to improve my video due to problems, sometimes the video wouldn't play or there wouldnt be
sound. I also had to change my augmented reality focus because at times it wasnt picking up the section to play the video.

Evaluate your own project using the rubric below.

0: Not achieved

1-2 Minimally achieved 3-4: Moderately achieved



5-6: Mostly achieved

7-8: Fully

Reasons for Score Given

1. Does the project have a clear and

relevant purpose?

I feel that the project could help the enviroment and help educate and aware
people of the effectes of pollution.

2. Were digital tools used effectively for the


Aurasma, powerpoint, flipagram, and more digital tools were used effectively to
make the project more effective and understandable.

3. Were digital tools used creatively for the


All the digital tools used were used creatively to make the project appealing for
the target audience.

4. Is the project complex and challenging

enough to actually solve a real school
problem or situation?

The project is simple but the augmented reality isnt understood by most students
at our school. If people knew more about augmented realities and how to use
them, then the project would be able to tackle the problem of pollution at the

5. Does the project prototype actually


The prototype works very well, the last step is to get more people to follow my
channel so that they can view the augmented reality from their devices.

6. Does the project have a specific target

audience or users?

My project is aimed at all students, parents and staff of AISM.

7. Was there an appropriate testing done for

the project?

there was appropriate testing fone for the project.

B. Evaluation by Target Users or Audience

1. Present and explain your project to 3 people from your target users or audience. Make them answer your evaluation
2. When you have gathered at least 3 feedbacks in your survey, post the link to the summary of results (the one with
graphs below.

3. Compare the results of your evaluation survey to your self-evaluation. Complete the table below.
According to your self-evaluation

According to your survey results

a. How well did your final

product satisfy
your design

According to my self-evaltuation my final product satisfied

my design specification rather well, I managed to satisfy
all of the design specifications well.

According to the survey results my final product was

rather good and satisfied all the design specifications.

b. 3 Strong points of your

final product

The strong points of my final product are:

Simple Text

Augmented reality was large

Professional Design

According to survey results the strong points were:

Simple Text

Multiple images

Professional design

c. 3 Weak points of your

final product

The weak points of my final product were:

Wasn't colorful


Appropriate question

According to survey results the weak points were:

Colorful paper


Creative Fonts

d. 3 Suggestions for

I could have made the project more appealing and

creative for the audience to be attracted to it.

Part II. Success of the Final Product

1. Did you strictly and thoroughly follow your original plan and design? If not, describe the changes that you made to the
final product, and give reasons why you made these changes.
Changes made to the original design and plan:

Reasons for these changes:

1.I decided to use a single paper rather than large poster

It would be much harder to make dozens of posters and still keep them
good quality than to print the pages.

2. I added a second augmented reality to the poster

To make the poster more effective and since i was making the poster
smaller i decided to make a flipagram with all the images and put it in as
another augmented reality.


2. Generally, how well do you think your final project successfully achieved its original goal or purpose: to create a digital
codes -based project that can address a specific school problem or situation.Discuss 3 reasons.
I feel that my final product was successful, it got the point across in a creative way.

3. Discuss the impact of your final product.

Discuss at least 3 benefits that your target audience can
get from your project.

Discuss at least 3 limitations or disadvantages of using

your game?

The audience will learn about the effects of pollution.

If the audience doesnt have aurasma they will not be able to view the
augmented reality

The audience will learn how to use augmented realities for future use
The audience will make a difference for the community by helping with
the pollution and make more people aware.

if the audience isnt following my channel they will not be able to view the
augmented reality
If the poster is changed or torn the augmented reality will no longer work
and the paper will be less effective.

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