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Name: Gabriela Fernandes

Class: Technology - H

Unit 1. My awareness campaign

Criterion C. Creating the Solution (Work Plan)
1. Complete the table below.
Divide the steps into: Pre-production, Production and Post-production stages


Resources / Materials Needed


Complete work plan, and gather images of

pandas in the wild and other needed,
create survey

Google images, Gmail account

1:30 hours

Create logo, edit images, and gather all

information/ facts needed for my video
(how many pandas remain in the wild,
their habitat etc.)

Photoshop, drawing utensils, my

research and analysis Part 2 document

2 hours

Create the first, second, third and fourth

scene of the video

iMovie, my research and analysis Part 2

document, MacBook

1:30 hours

Create the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and

ninth scene of the video (they are all
related to why pandas are dying in the

iMovie, my research and analysis Part 2

document, MacBook

1:30 hours

Create the tenth, eleventh and twelfth and

thirteenth scene of my video.

IMovie, my research and analysis Part 2

document, MacBook

1:30 hours

Edit all the scenes of my video

iMovie, Photoshop, MacBook

1:30 hours

Edit scenes

iMovie, Photoshop, MacBook

1:30 hours


FINAL video

1:30 hours


Deadline for submission: February 9thnd, 2015


Jan 19

Jan 22

Jan 26

Jan 28

Jan 29

Feb 2

Feb 5

Feb 9

2. Create an evaluation survey that you will use later for your final work. Use Google forms and save in your Google Drive folder.
Be sure to use your Design Specification (from your Criterion B design) for your survey.
Heres an example of an evaluation survey:
When done, paste the link/URL of your survey below:

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