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Research and Analysis (Part 2): Awareness campaign


1. Create a table and include the following:
a. Formulate at least 5 research questions that you think are the most important to address in your Awareness campaign project.
(e.g. What can I use to engage my audience? What do most people want to know about this issue or concern? How do I make my
Campaign available? How do you create visual effects to catch peoples attention?)
b. Indicate the references you used to gather information. (Important: There should be both primary and secondary sources)
c. Summarize the relevant information you gathered.
d. Discuss the significance of the information to Awareness campaign project.
Sample table:
Guide questions for

(Include primary and secondary

1. What makes a
campaign attractive and
effective (for its

November 18 2014
Sarah Adatia

2. How does this problem

(hunger) affect my
community? Why
should I make it about

What Would the World Be if There Were
No Hunger?
Donella Meadows
December 17 1987

Summary of
research Information

Make a plan and

brainstorm ideas (before
creating it)
- Put a lot of information
and explain your topic
- Add catchy music and
transition effects
- Catchy slogan or quote
- Include interesting facts
- Put in effective pictures
or videos (Evidence)
Hunger is a major issue all
over the world. The daily
death toll of hunger victims is
almost 35,000 people. If
people fight against hunger
there will be stability all over
the world. By that I mean
everybody has rights and
access to everyday
necessities. Reducing hunger
also reduces over population.
The main reason people with

How will the information

in the Awareness
campaign project:
Because this is a perspective
of one of my classmates this
information will be very
valuable when I start creating
my campaign. I am planning
to do a video so I will keep all
these ideas and suggestions
in mind so that I can create a
good and effective campaign.
Because of what I know about
the importance of hunger I
will make sure I address it
completely in my campaign. I
will include facts that show
the population of the world
that is living with the pain of
hunger. I will include how we
can help and spread the word.

3. How can i spread my

awareness campaign to
other people?

November 18 2014
Una Johnson

4. What would be a good

logo or slogan for
ending hunger? How to
make a catchy slogan?

Five Ways to Make Your Company
Slogan Catchy or Your Tag Line Terrific
Marcia Yudkin

5. How much does my

audience know about

November 19 and 21 2014
Karishma Mathur
Sarah Adatia
Una Johnson

no money have too many kids

is because they know many of
them have a small chance of
surviving. If they know there
children are healthy and happy
they will stop having kids.
Use social media to your
advantage. Lately people have
been on the internet or one
twitter or Facebook. Make a
blog or website warning people
of your issue. Send through
email videos to friends and
family you know worldwide.
Post a picture on Facebook or
twitter to give an idea of your
1. Keep it Simple
2. Make it memorable
3. Create rhythm and
rhyme (alliteration)
4. Contrast- include
comparison of opposites
(rich/poor, old/young,
day/night etc)
5. Riff off a popular saying
Famous slogans about hunger:

it sucks, it is killing people

and its not considered a big
problem because rich people
cannot die from it Una
Well there is so much food in
the world yet people take
money from people who have
limited amount of it. It is not

If I feel that my campaign is

very good than I might want
to spread it to other people. I
have friends and family in
Canada, Portugal, South Africa
and more, so I can email
them. I can post something
on Google Plus or Facebook.

When I have started creating

my slogan I will keep all this
information in mind. I have
read and seen many great
slogans that have stuck inside
my head. For example; Nike
Just Do It, KFC Its Finger
lickin Good, Kit Kat Have a
Break Have a Kit Kat. This
information I think will be very
useful for me so that maybe I
could create a slogan that is
as good as the others I have
If my audience doesnt know
in detail about hunger than I
wont include facts they
already know. To keep it
interesting and new to my
audience I will try to wow
them with other facts and
statistics. If I include facts
they already have known and

fair because there is food for

everyone yet they take it away
from people who try to earn
money, and every year the
prices gets higher and higher
which is not right Sarah
Many people die every year,
they are not getting enough
food and the people that get
food waste it Karishma

learnt then it would be boring

for my audience. This
information can help me with
that because I can summarize
and compare what most of
them know and not use it in
my presentation. (Of course I
have to include some of the
basic information)

2. Write the design brief:

a. In 1 paragraph, summarize your analysis of the significance of the research you conducted.
b. In 1 paragraph, write your project proposal:
What are you making? (Brief description of your proposed product/solution)
Who will benefit from your proposed product/solution? (Target audience/users)
How useful is your proposed product/solution? (Purpose of the product/solution)
If you are not familiar with writing a design brief, check this example:

Hunger is a worldwide issue. A lot of people dont have the essential requirements to live healthy lives, one being not having
enough food (hunger). My plan for this project is to create a video that demonstrates and creates an understanding of how
hunger is a major problem. I will try to have my voice speaking throughout the video but if that is not possible than I will just
include facts and statistics. Background Music will be playing throughout the video. In the ending seconds my logo and slogan
will be shown.
My main target audience will of course be my classmates and my teachers. I believe my audience can do something to help
with hunger. There are orphanages that could use donations and websites that give meals out to families.
My purpose of my product is to inspire and give an understanding of hunger to my classmates. I want to show them how
people are suffering and why they are living in pain.

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