BI Kitchen Crossword

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4. What do you eat

soup in?
7. What do you slice
bread with?
9. Where do you fry
10. What do many
Asians use to eat
11. What do you make
soup in?
13. What do you make
lemonade in?
14. Where do you
keep milk cold?
16. Where do you
keep meat frozen?

5. Where do you wash dishes?

6. Where do you keep cups,
glasses, plates, and bowls?
8. What do you keep ketchup in?
10. What do you pour coffee into?

12. What do you serve food on?

1. Where do you heat pots and pans?

13. What do you keep jam in?

2. What do you eat soup with?

15. Where do you bake bread?

3. What do you drink water from?


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