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Name: Sandy Phan

In Phenomenon Tornadoes

A tornado is a violent rotating
column of air extending from a
thunderstorm to the ground. They
can destroy large buildings, uproot
trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of

Tornadoes move with the
thunderstorm to which they are
attached at an average speed of 35
miles (56 kilometers) per hour. They
have an average path length of
about 5 miles (8 kilometers). The
diameter of a tornado can vary from
300 feet to 1 mile (90 meters to 1.6
kilometers). Tornadoes come in a
variety of shapes and sizes, and
often have an ominous dark color
due to the soil and other debris
they pick up as they move along.

Phenomenon Tornadoes
Tornadoes are partly caused by the
result of the updrafts and
downdrafts in the thunderstorm
(caused by the unstable air)
interacting with the wind shear,
resulting in a tilting of the wind
shear to form an upright.


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