Term Project 44

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Course Instructor: Mariam Saleem

UCP Business School

Organizational Behavior
Term Project, Fall 2014
The basic concept of the project is to make students work in a team and analyze the
application of OB concepts in the corporate world, in Pakistani context.
Final project/presentation makes up 15% of the grade. Each student (as a group) is required to
make a presentation. The students are always welcome to discuss the development of the
project with the course instructor as guidance would benefit them for a smooth flight. All
members will take part in the efforts to develop, write and present the project.
Presentations will be made on Microsoft PowerPoint. All the members will take part in the
presentation and it should not exceed 20 minutes. Be precise, be clear and be unique. Your
presentation will be graded based on:
Etiquettes and attire
Presence of team unity
Do note that a week is allocated for the presentations and it is the students own responsibility
to make sure their groups work is complete by that time.
If a student is absent on the day of his presentation, he/she will forfeit 15% of his/her final
grade marks. The rest of the group members, in this case, will not face this penalty.
A project report has to be submitted on the assigned date before the presentation and it has to
cover all the components.
Following points should be kept in mind:
Line Spacing: 1.5
Font Style: Times New Roman
Main Heading: Font Size 16
Subheading: Font Size 14
Text: Font Size 12
Page Margin: Default

Course Instructor: Mariam Saleem


Title Page


Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Introduction of the organization
o History
o Mission Statement
o Vision Statement
o Core Values / Objectives
o Products / Services
o Organizational Structure
o Major Competitors
Roles manger is performing (Mintzberg Managerial Roles)
Problems that organization is facing which are related to OB
Relate problems in detail with OB concepts at
o Individual level
o Group level or
o Organizational level
Recommendations for solving those problem at
o Individual level
o Group level or
o Organizational level

In the end it is once again reminded that it should be a team effort and copying from any
source or using unfair means will result in penalization by a lower grade. The group should
trust its abilities and come up with an effort for which you could be proud of and remember
in days to come.
All the Best.

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