Composition 4: Special Person: 204/200 Words

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She is pretty, she is intelligent, she is incredible

your name is Cynthia, we meet at the school was
of my class; I remember when we talked, she
conversed with my friends about my. That day
was really cool, then I went to the movies with
Cynthia was very important for me, because she
liked me much. The movie was so boring she
does not like then we went to the park, we played
soccer with my friends and ran was very pretty;
she and I were very happy.
The other day looking around the school, but she did not
went to school. I liked her but she had a boyfriend, she
spoke of him, I was surprised because I knew nothing of
her boyfriend, then my heart was broken, I cried for why, I
wanted to be her boyfriend but could not be.
After, I had the other girlfriend but still thinking about
spent a time, and she and I
were boyfriends It was
very nice; until I went on
holidays and we did not
see that cause we finished,
we lasted only three months, but sometimes we go out, for
why that we have not forgotten.
Actually, I if the loved.

204/200 Words

Alumno: Aranda Ceballos Ivan

Class: 3IV1

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