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sen 50145 TT 12500522095 a ee 4220 - CAMPAIGN FINANCING DISCLOSURE STATEMENT LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE ELECTIONS oon PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ee [GENERAL VOTING BAY FY AMID) CasibibaTES FULL NAN 5 Frareice Sivan 201k fit LIS BRCLOT Wane (FDFFERENT ROWBOE) SFA SOT WOR GOUNELLOR ETC Far _ Severn [DAS OL a ORES FRO. 126 GAsr phic Sr - 252 -3BE4- UT arrow PESTO BIA ANSE NEcSand Bc VIL. |SVB| petreleryn Osha, ce [SURISDICTION i Cutt OF _WEtSpw : ECEGTORAL NREAALOBAL TRUST AREATTAUSTEE ELECTORAL AREA (F APPLGABLE) [BALLOT NRE OF ENDOREING ELEGTOR ONGAMTEATION OF APPUGABLE) ESRC NAVE OF ENDORSING ELECTOR ORGANTZATION ( APPUGABLE) FIRST NA LEE -AWHE FRARCULAGENTS LIST WE Lees OBL WE FINANCIAL AGENTS HLING ADORESS PHONE WO. 250.- 352-/72o 1223 Korawee ve: Gao wapLeaoe aA NELS DA bo. | vie 38 EFFECTIVE DATE OF ASPORITRENT (YTD) there were Z2IIF/l0 f OF [recon wes rope pry sponse ‘hie deconure Stent nus he tong fas Es) EA) urna of Canpaln Contbutonsby aes = Form 4223 (% Declarations ard Campaign Accounts ~ Form 4221 ‘Statement of income and Expenses ~ Form 4222 sieneon Contr (100 oor) - Form 224 [X] pris Canpelgn Cntatons ~ Form 42 (X%] “entre Reco ton Bact Orgalaon ~ Form 4226 [C] Cover Penis Oeposts - Form A227 (X] Fantting rancor ett sae - Form aza8 DR] “etm isle rp nape. OnicinaL — ELECTIONS BC PLEASE REEPACOPYFOR YOUR RECCROS. “Transfers Between Candidate's Own Accounts ~ provious financlal agents, complete form 4236. ‘Tick f candidate acted as a campeign organizer ‘Summary of Election Expenses ~ Fern 29 X] Form 4230, “Transfers Given lo Elector Organization — xX ther Pemisle Payments ~ Form 4231 XC] Shared Eteeon Expense = Form 4252 ra Form 4235 cron Feaeatsonts~ rom se Bf Form 4233 Disbursement of Surplus Funds - Form 4234 Free Advertsing trom Jurisdiction — Tis btormaton ie coboced adnate Lace Btn Compan Aneta Act. "Gostons? Canis Peasy Offer, Eecbons BC -aungo14689 PO Bax6279 SP Govt, Mas BO YEW ENE | 1s9so0006 oa 4221 - DECLARATIONS AND CAMPAIGN ACCOUNTS * ELECTIONS ‘Anon pardian OfceoftheLeglaure LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. er : Pirie. SECA Declaration: | the undersignad, dcr tatto thebestof my knowedge ang bef te sclosure statement complally and accurately cscloes the information requted under the Loca! Etats Camealgn Financing Act (LECFA) = 4—— ‘siowrune oF oMOBTE : : one TINA, Bord fiz [oe Cs Pane enaeeE i ‘SRRTURE OF pRANGAL ACERT BRE RTO oo 2ort [12 fe. TANTED ANE OF Ahan RENT 6EE -ine bE ‘Campaign accounts: a aaa CIEE Z i 59 bance Sr é2sod $C. Vie FAT 2 NaN OF SAVINGS MSTITETION ROOMS ADE OF SANG BETTUTION RoaRESS Tie OF SAANGS NETTUTION ROSAS ‘Thi forms ove fr ubinspocen “Tes nearatin costa ad Lc! eos Canpalgn lag At mica ELECTONS 30 "Buesons? Calc Pavey Often, clone BE ‘-e0n'-s689 PO Bor 6278 Sm Pry Gol, Vota BG VEW SIS PLEASE KEEP AGOPY FOR TOURECORDS. cs.en 150146» AAA 12500822095 es EE INANCING om 4222 - STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE oe PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS EOF REBATE Perec Severat “otal value of campaign contibutons fom all sources (Kem box G on form 4223)| 3'7OG, O ‘Transfers revolved ftom elector organization (from box A on form 4226) “som ams pte rupee, “Te frmalon cate omen Lea Ektons Campaign enc Act ORfaINAL — cuECTIONS oC ‘Guetons?Conaer Pray Olen, Becton BC DIFASE K=RPa CODY FOR VOUR RECORDS ‘470 961-9899 PO Ben 9275 nro Gok Vea Be VEW O26 os.en's0\4o> IR 12509520808 oa rn 4223 - SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY CLASS LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE DXd ELECTIONS ‘Nnon-pasan Ofc of the Lepatre PLEASE PRINTIN BLOCK LETTERS Tin OF RODE Farmcte SEVER gs All Contributions. Indviduals 77e, °*| Corporations | 2G O07, Unincorporated Business Commercial Organizations oO “Trade Unions st Non profit Organizations a thor Identitablo Contributors o wai{s 3370, [a Anonymous contibutons [s 239, “8 |e Total contibutions(A+8)|s DS 7OP, % |e ‘otal siglcant contibutions (must equal box Aon allorms 4224) |$ FF TO, O7 ‘etal contibutons ofless thangt0o[s LO F. 97 Number of contributors who gave less than $100 | # Number of anonymous contributors | 7: abe pute epacon, “Ths lomatonisetets i admin th Local btons Capi Fnnoty Act “Goeoons? Garnet Privacy Ofer, econ: BC ‘Lenne81.8683 POBaxA27S Sin Prov Go, Vets BC VOU OIE tome GaiginaL — Eleenons ne PLEASE REEPAGOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS o5Jen 1501-46» 112509622095 ps 4224 - SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS ($100 OR MORE) LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE ae PLEASE PRINT BLOCK LETTERS TET SRE ; ne Parc Severo wa easy eae STR emescrcormmungs [ewer | clin THe vic Pore FOS VERNON ST Patloler | zeenira Theva Fmnecy | MECSon SE. ei Tmo rrid CAST 636 Bavece Sr. (5D, 0 lant/ioho ‘sua Smirtsun Sus lhot| NEO) BL ae povafrofhe | BOE Bute ees Spirems | Fao A ARE = PartNo | ae peek S0Ld Peok Naso 6C. z 3 3 Neeson Horse trp GIG VernadSr, | 2 | 500.0" z / é 2oe,ce perifolT | rmrerornne Reensy | Watson Se Hume OTR Azz Viale 25n eeetieh | nee Seta tnbrerins | NECSO-S Fe. ia zou 100, 2? \Zat/po/27| SANDLA JEPES borafo f7| CORE NICHES Or 7 Foe Wear 2 » 7786 petri? Wel 5 | gop, 8 Aw Ge Erecren. LP) Botfie /a7 cas neaie BC. Inpcra Dideria Soest fact} l2ert/so/aqp GORLOn E, Bionic ey 7 | Zea,” rortlifeg] Cooy 6ees a 7.| (00, & — 7 |7eo7 zortfri og, Niker Cees Prate Wsiqnr aceméedes 1155 51g we FD. “4 2etfhi/3\ Gunertose due maps | NES) Ge 2) Sea FEATS SST PER : iB ‘cusrorcoriea SRECe I imino 2, moore nnnesRESA ERC oR ETON 3300, Sere Scars Shen GENTSSa SoMTaNTOR > TOTAL ‘CONTRIBUTIONS “Tis oso veal lor gue repesten. ‘Te bmi asso nin om Econ ng Ak ‘sooo. 0 Box rs i ro ok, ven BC VOW 88 nIaPAL = [PeUR# KEE AGOPY’FOR YOUR RECORDS ossenisoi7e RT 12603522096 pe 4225 - PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ro LOGAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE 9gFLEC Seater PLEASE PRINT WBLOCK LETTERS oe o wal Farce. SEU gpS or INSTRUCTIONS: Compste an shoe fr aac probitod campaign contin reeled ‘tach ational forme if necessary. nae Md dee a cae | ee, on REE Gramma Chomeen |i Pai ees Dananmous: L Sai Tas CONTIN WE RECENED Compt tis lhe pronbted camplonconsbution was osha rm an nda NAME OF INDIVIOUAL y ‘connate pried canzlocontibton we reste om ne ‘am or ona re | friearonene kao ' ue ‘cata gr equnmuroR HESS FITURTERS a. «uncon wuncot/CNSNCN.ORNTATEN mea means SeaceS ard Ec Canpag sry. “Tis tnt aval ope nspocton. ‘is nna ected oan te, GRIGHAL — ELECTIONS 86, Sense Rema Gory FOR YOUR RECORDS ‘80066-8689 PO Bor O28: "auseans? Conse Privacy On, econ? BC ‘Gn Por Gon, Visaie BC VEW SIS oan 150147 4226 - TRANSFERS RECEIVED FROM ELECTOR ORGANIZATION 12503622835 LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS p7 ern oGFLECTIONS. 7 ‘Arorspartvan Ofc ofthe Leghtare wef] Ta or ROBE 7p) Porerce Secon ole TREC, | patornaMeorevecroR oRaANBATION" DESCRIPTION gF HON MONETARY) jaiueor vy DO) ss st nb rom jal —O— ORIGIHAL — ELECTIONS ES. eRe ecg a corr FOR YOUR RECORDS ‘ifort cael meie oc Estas Cpl Pann fo Ss ey onaePriaey Offi octons BS ‘aon 01-9089 PO Box 8275 Snrov st, elo BC VW OS osion 60%e | 112603522895 Ps 4227 - OTHER PERMISSIBLE DEPOSITS: TO CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ‘Nnon-partéan Ofes of tho Legislature Parmcn Sev ereant paok{_7 orf_é eewetlipirony | TYPE pescrenox 2ert/ufel| F | FuNDe a See Sef ore 5 “inc tn tye tn wt Satomi bbe Rey eon oped eb ocameson cor one (eatite) rom [a] 5779, “sermon cao ae Lov es Cap ‘Ths ons veld puedo. ORIGINAL — ELECTIONS Plneoe KegP a cor ron Yous neconDs inet ck sons oy Oe ecto ‘+400 e5.2n PO waters einioy Go Weta BO VO sion 15046 RI 12503522095 po 4228 » FUNDRAISING FUNCTION TICKET SALES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE 2G ELECTIONS nvonpartan Ofc ofthe egilere PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ssupunr A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH FUNCTION HELD Walid OF SNORE vce (“Z Prresce SEbGAIS of SES Bag Tp) | BESERIPTION OF FINORASNG EVER 2014 fH 70 6 (Bevecnnd + BULGER Meer Geiser Income reported as campatgn contributions onset Number of, Charge Total Char Tckel Tiowats Sold pertia Cal Vero Purchases by organizations: ie purchases by Indyidvals of more than $250 worth of tickets Purchases by evils of tickets that ere more han $50 each LI “Total Income reported as carnpaign contibutons remember to reportall campaign conttbutions on form 4223 ~ Summary of Campaign Contributions by Class, sea applicable, on form 4224 - Significant Gontrbutors ($100 or more) Other income not reported as campaign contributions Tickif charge por Number of otal Charges Tih Tekots Sold ‘Collected ‘Varies Purchases by ndvidal ot se ees |_ SS sw| C Teefam pana te etaon ‘ebro nasser Fr RioWAL 070 ne? Conta Privacy Ofes, Elections BC DIEASE KGEPAGOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 1-60. 651-9089 PO Bae 927 Sm Pov Gor, VDOC VEU BIE san 1801 AY 4229 - SUMMARY OF ELECTION EXPENSES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS 12603622835 p10 (1408) ELECTIONS ‘Rnen-partzan Ofce ofthe Lepiatre [rae OF CANDIDATE i Pareicie Severn coun A column ection ection rosentage abverrisia expenses Period trocnsee ‘Brochures, pamphlets and fyers SSD 3ST SoG, FF inteet a = wipers nipate jamal | 79GB | | 7 FEE. o Rado = = ‘Signs ans bilboards 3BSO3_6F Teton a = ce arcing = = cAteAion ADMINISTRATION z solos ond ager = = anne is = = outer ond petoge i = Future ond oaent = = Office supiles 13d. % | [_ 130. Protesbrl aero = ——_| Cer conpag tmisiton expanses = = Conoron and metnge = jaaeae Caen be cons = = Razer an pong ay = Intorost EXCLUSIONS THAT MUST BE REPORTED Peseonal electon expanses Interest on loans fr elecfon expenses Lona! and accourting corns Finance agent sorices ‘other expenses (ossrbe) | ‘otal Expenses | A S950 13 Coton A Repo a abe a sf tcfon expanse gee ang eaneat tee ne cpg pet ‘conpsin seb Yom sauny 2004 Norse 16 248. ue lana ‘Tre cotonprnmedoge poe ie ham Geptowe’ 90,2014 te Novwrber 15 2004 Report io va a a losin spent er gods and serves usd nthe oon procs eco {hs fo atte orpuclepecn "Ths maton coed east ta Loca tesons Conpayn Franch at ona LECTIONS BC ‘Questor? Gntact Privacy Ofte, lecUons BC PLEASE REEP A COPY FOR YOUR oun RECORDS 1-800€6 18589 POBox 9276S Prey Got Velors BC VOW 905 06 Jan 1501:48p 12503522835 pat 4230 - TRANSFERS GIVEN TO ELECTOR ORGANIZATION LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS x” ELECTIONS ‘not-partzan Office oftheLegilture Ra GF ONDORTE z ] (2) Pateicke. Seveecadl ofa] BBE | exer mnmoraccrono eae mAs anes, ie OF ELECTOR oROANZATION® IPT HNONETAR WES ' + “Ao nci aga nae foe ha been ‘for era rg ape, Oat — ELECTIONS ac PLEASE KEEPA COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS “Tis comsenis calcd at fe Lac! Brtons Come “hos? Conse ae Ofer, +0060 PO bar B87 SPs God Vr waa] -- os.an15014> Bs 12500522985 pa 4231 - OTHER PERMISSIBLE PAYMENTS FROM CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT ELECTIONS ‘Anon-pantzan Ofc ofthe Lgiatare LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS EOF EMOTE "4 Fartce Sevcegn oo] cretion) | PE vesenirnion awouKT Zatholx%| B | Sane Seeuce Chieaer 13. °F zor) [13 Cc | cass Fee Pumoamsim Ment 285.0% non/1 fi] 6| Bane Steurce CHacaes” 13,95 “PE Tora. ilondod aon expen ht wo et tes Romer mse Rtn poset O-Oberticeiseh 2 oe ooze aaron ‘Tis rman coluete 'stmhister i ea eon Compote Facing Ae Cee ee ee onos “Dees? Conary OMe, Eactons OS {+802 8869 POBox 9275 Sin Prov God, Veta BC VBW ONS a] 12509622996 as PAIGN FIN 4232 - SHARED ELECTION EXPENSE LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE 2 ELECTIONS PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS or Aeneid eee ‘SUGMIT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH SHARED ELECTION EXPENSE "WANE OF CANDIORTE. 1 exce[_Z Fartice SEveRa0 | ec TESORPONOF BORDER “otal valu of shared lection expense Candidate's porto of shared election exponee ‘Areunt pal des o suppor appiabi) ‘Amount of rinbureemens given to other candidates) ‘Amount of rembursernen'sreelved from other condidetes Note: Remember to include your potion ofthe shared expense as an election expense on form 4229 -Summary of Election Expenses. Full names of other eandidates with whom the expense was shared: Tar naaie RST ANE ‘BDLE Naan ‘Ths fons watt pub napcn, ne con st “is ema citar Leo! eto Compsign Fei kc PLEASE KEEP ACOPY FoR YOUR RECOROS wes RSs ‘8 FIEASEKGEPACSPY Povo seoneorous Pa eattrs ae Per Gok wenee WSS css 12509622095 pts 4233 - TRANSFERS BETWEEN CANDIDATE'S eee OWN CAMPAIGN ACCOUNTS ‘Avongasan Ofte ofthe Leidatre LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEAGE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS aro 7 = vm Preicie Seven <4 “Transfers between candidate's ov campaign accounts tn same jursdetion a = Transfoe from candidate's own campaign accounts in other jurteiotons OnE Ano [PURPOSE (INCLUDE NANE OF OTHER JURISDICTION) AMOUNT Tora Transfers to candidate's own campaign accounts in other jurisdictions one or ASE TaRPOSE(NCLUDE WANE OF OTHER. AISICTON) ‘ou ; ule] Oo | ‘The amounts In boxes A and B must ba carried forward to form 4222. “Tifa vet pbtspectin, ‘ie tormafon cca bo eins Love Econ Campaign noni A Guiatuat — eeRCTIONS Be "Guest ceac Pcy Oe Clctions 62 LEAST KEEP GOPY FoR YOUR RECORDS ‘son et.agea PO bos S276 Gia Pov Go, Veda BE VEW B00 en o> TT 12509522998 pts 4234 - DISBURSEMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE Rina one atincupiaes PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. ELECTIONS EOF CRETE Pareicie SEVEN Balance romasining in campaign eocount(s) after payment of all expenses. SIS. 97 SA “etal amountotcarpaigncontibutonstomcanstae [ 2SOO. © [pl Amount rembuted to candidat ror campaign account forthe candidae'scantbuon to tre campaign [ SVS. 97 [c Date of reimbursementto candidate (YYYYIMMIDD) | 2O¢E/12/ 72 Amount of remaining surplus funds (after any reimbursement under box C) eee D {Fthe amount in Box D is $500 or more, it must be pald to the jurisdiction in which the candidate tan for elaction. Provide the date of payment (YYYY/MM/DD). It tho amount in Box Dis less than $500 provide details of how it was disbursed. rr PA oo) DESoRTON AMOUNT aotfiz)2 | Brence of Funes Fina To Ono SIP? Js on ca oe het pt Paar cu eth ‘Wis maton conc nt eel ce Canon Sa eee ‘estore ors: Pcy Oe econ 86 "1-200-661-8588 PO 809275 Sin Pov Gov, Vora BC VEW 905 lenses 12509522935 p16 4235 - FREE ADVERTISING FROM JURISDICTION LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ELECTIONS :. Knon-partson Office ofthe Legiltwre [AWE OF ENDO Porkick Seveny,J) Free advertising provided by Jurisdiction ‘BATE ADVERTISING ; 5 ssuntsoieTION [MEANS OF TRANSMISSION (WEBSITE, FLYER, ETC) ‘orev OD} Dic einen hepc, TWishromaton execs te alae Loe! Eectons Casio arch Ae. PLEASE KEEP ACOPYFOR YOUR RECOROS se3 PO tor 2760 For Gor Waar OS oR oS meer ‘-eso.o-sts PO Bor 8276S Fro Go Vito BC VO 8 e055 12503522995 pat 4246 - PREVIOUS FINANCIAL AGENTS ; LOCAL ELECTIONS GANDIDATE SECTION PLEASE PRINTIN BLOCK LETTERS TE oF caRBORTE a 71 (SERRE ORE OF PPO OTTO] Ta ANANGIAL AGENTS LAGT NAME: E FIRST NAME: ne FR NENT RES priori CNY/TON 7 eaNAIL WF AVLABLE) [EFFECTIVE DATE “OF APPOINTNIENT (YYYYINMIOD) = FRR STE TSTHE aT TE "FINANCIAL AGENT MAILING ADDRESS a [PHONE NO. earyrrowN - (POSTAL CODE [ENA (F AVAILABLE) FINANCIAL AGENTS LAST NAME. FIRST NAME IDDLE NAME in ENERO DORE aa ervrronn - POSTAL CODE TEAL AVARLABLE) REST aE OF RPO TOOT INTODY FR AGT TSE STE HE 7 NR TATU ones, ; Cry FTOWN (POSTAL CODE. FERRI (IF AAMAS) ae - actos rte ecseat ere a DneCrese atm Bane mee eho os on So ve ese eee CEP AGoPY FOR YOURRECOROS ano ee.62'B6 aoc S275 Sn PO

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