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4220 - CAMPAIGN FINANCING DISCLOSURE STATEMENT cD ¥@ELECTIONS (> LOGAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE See nan: PLEASE PRNTW BLOCKLETTERS ein Tee voNaaN PRPOEPAME P hes Ho TEANES @ Ora US | BALLOT WAVE GF DIFFERENT FSO ABOVE TSFFIGE BOUGHT WaNTOR, COUNERLOR ETE) CMB ETE RMN QAY phoma tens FE Bee Sse avie ear 7 ras oe NF IAC j Nateen VIL SHA Vahpeenct@ 5 FREOETON F Cake e caw EURCTORALARER/LOGAL THUST AREATTRUBTEE ELECTORAL ARER OF APPLICABLE) [BALLOT NAME OF ENGORGING ELECTOR OARGANTZATION (F APPLICABLE) LEGAL RAVE OF ENDORSING ELECTOR ORGANGATION OF APPLICABLE) ERARGULAGERTS LAST IANE FRET aE TENANGL AGENTS NALIN SRS ea eTOWR EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPOINT OYPUTERNTBDY [] Tick candle wos registared asa thid party sponsor “Tick candidate acid vs a campaign organleor ‘Thi dleclosuro statemont includes the folowing forms: Q ‘esiraens and Compal Aesunts ~ Form 422 | Stale oes pando’ ~ For 822 Surat of Compan Contntons by Glass. Form 4228, ALE Slonincant Contabaters ($100 or tcre) ~ Form 4224 Prohibited Camnpsign Contibutoné — Fort 4225 ‘Transfors Received ont Ector Ongenzain ~ Far 4226 Qa “Vansfefs Betivsen Candidate's Oum Accoiits ~ Farin 4253 Sunmary of lackon Spanos — Form 4239 Tranter ie fo Ector Orintzation — Form 4230 ‘thor Pomnissiio Paymsnts, =: Form 4294 QQQqg ‘Shired Election Expense’ ~ For 4282 f Disbursairont of Surplus Funds — Forth 4234, a Prous ancl Aaeis = Forma296 (F] Fro Advising toni Jiiscton'— Foirh 4238 Tis om ave io puns. Oiamuat ~ EueemioNs oc PLEASE Meh a COPY Fore YOUR RECORES Tis erron acted sata ha Loca Eton Carpapn Panay Al ‘Qusetone? Contac Privacy Ons extn 8 1400868683 PO.Bor 8275S Foy Gn, Visas BO YEW 4221~DECLARATIONS AND CAMPAIGNACCOUNTS LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE oo PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS [omens CARs 3 WeAaANES ‘IGRATUREO? FRANC AGENT ‘ATE CerraMTOD) [PRINTED NE OF FRANGILASENT eet . i NAME OF SANS STITUTION i ADORE NAME OF SAVINGS INSTITUTION \ rADORESS NAME OF SAZNOS RSTTUTON. NAME OF SAMOS INSTTTUTION ‘MOORES “sam vb fr pobieepcten “istration cole to ach Lea Eton Canal rang Act. oniginaL = evecTioNs 8c ‘Queators? Gert Pray Offer, etn BO! EASE KEEDA COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. ‘v8 981 -aed PO Bow 02s Sm Pry Got ero BC. VEW 8: eee 4222 - STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT iN BLOCK LETTERS. ELECTIONS ‘AnomparésarOfice ofthe Légleture mncorcaenme Charles Ho Feanes “Jolal value of earipaign céntibutions from:t sources (fom box, C on form 4229) “Transfers received from elector organization (Rom box A ot foi 4226) ‘Total other permissible deposits (am box A on forty 4227) “Transfers from candidate's own accounts in other juisdicifons (rom box A gn form'4233) Total Income (sim of above boxes) Eleciion oxpensos (fom box A on form 4328) “Trarafats to Bloctor igaiizatin (rot bo. A ch forh 4200) - ‘ia oer peril pavimdnts (oh box Ao fo 4291) ‘Transters to candidate's own accounts in other jufsdictlons (trom box B on form 4233) ‘Amount of surplus funds disbursed (fom boi A on form 4238) “Total Expeitlturés (Sum of above boxes) B get ep agg. ‘ig save ptt spston “hie aration eta a ain te tee Fecone Campa ang he GRowAL ~"eteunohis se "Siesons? Colac Prey Ofer Eecions 86 ‘1900001209 Po Bae 8273 Sh Pov Gor. io BC VB 8 PLEASE KEEP ACOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS: SA 4223 - SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY CLASS: a OGM ECHONSCADRATE ELECTIONS #:<: LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN.BLOCK LETTERS. ROO OPasles JeAnes Individuals Corporations [Unincorporated Business/Comimercial Organizations ‘Trade Unions Nn-peofit Ofganizations, Other dentifable Contributors Total Anonymous cobain ‘Total conibiions (A BY “Total significant contbutions (must equal box A of all fois 4224) ‘Total contisutlons of fess than'$100 TI Aninsparsan Office of the Legite ‘AllGontrbutions PRR RW hy Pa} Pe] pe & Number of contributors wi gave less than $4100 ‘Number of anonymous contriaitors “Din on rier paic inspection “To ieoien cae a edn the Lod tons Caran Fring At ‘Ghosiars? Cock Privacy Ofer, Hestons BC ‘ORIQNAL ~ ELEGTIONS Be c . ‘vet 361 8580 PO Box 0276 St Prov Gov Vise B VOW 005, PLEASEKEEPAGDPY FOR YOUR RECORDS: 4224 - SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS ($100 OR MORE: LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE'PRINTIN BLOCK LETTERS .@ELECTIONS = Anon-parisan Ofice'f the Leglatire ang OF NOEATE Charles Jean creer eeaeane y Benes vgenasacrcoimenss eins] ction | "REEDED, APTACHADETTIOWAL FORME rRIaUTOR ‘WaWoUAL 2 CoRBoRATICN, {CIRE hionrec nen noel Geadstaren omsek Berne CONT ‘Th oma arta pute, ‘ontaitAL — ELECTIONS EC PLEASE KEEPACOPY FoR YOUR RECORDS “Pisfomaten cate ain to tna icons INCORPORATED susesscounencias onemtzoN {ssa TOTAL coNTREBUTIONS 5 Gapsin ‘Qusfons Conlace Pavacy Ofer, Bost Po bor 276 sin Prov Gor, V0 VN AS 4225 .- PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN'BCOCK LETTERS . ELECTIONS [> % Avon-partan Otfig ofthe Leksatre: Tani or eNDOATE 7 yea i meeZ Charles Jeanés Sivan! INSTRUCTIONS: Gogo unas! orate probed canal conttbuton Hose, Attach adltional forms Ifnecsesary. amar =e ; = ae ro | ote, |e | ri, ok” HE | Cyormee 7 DESSIPTION OF HOM THE PAOHBITED CONTRIBUTION WA AECETVED Compiete this Held tthe probilbited campsign contribution was received from an individual: ave OF NOMI 7 _ Carinae those fad f the prohibited cainpalgn contnbiton’waa recelved trait an organza _ eae TWALINSADDRESS NaN ORDIRECTER (| |iamnéceomecroa SLASSES oF covTRBuTORS: “ftinoIvigual 2 conponaron ‘ST hpabe UhloN?e— nom enor uxticone rare BUEINESS/COMERCIN ORGANIZATION, sANATION 8 OTHER “Thi ite nn oni Lal oon Cal enna A bens? Grae Pay On elections BG ‘-goenr-s8s PO BontZ16 Sta Prot Go sere Bo VOM IIS LEASE KEEPACOPY FoR YouR RECORDS: 4226. TRANSFERS RECEIVED ; FROM ELECTOR ORGANIZATION QGELECTIONS 15 LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE pee PLEASE PRINT JN BLOCK LETTERS wie nmorE A : F race Clarles Ternnes ee] OnE SALLOT Wa = ELECTOR ORDAIEATION- ovat ‘waco RUBE, | exsorvane nano esc TON FNORAFONETT ior fil amen “Abo ie alo ieee tbl an, yom | “hin lala for ube nspeeton, ‘ssi cesta to aml ne Lg er canny PM OnotiAl = eghotwee sa Sct er en Puente eer acon ron four azoonDs: samacrgen rob ure bhi aon went Se YON WE OES AL ELECTION 4227 - OTHER PERMISSIBLE DEPOSITS TO CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE, PLEASE PRINTIN BLOCK LETTERS (al) ELECTIONS /3<° ‘Aven-partsan Ofce ofthe Legistae bare get hii00) panoF Chars a ae moe CA. Jeanes ofe | sod trie penonieToi. sre i i enya, Se eer acer ea” Scot cea =e tol een xu een, ORIOWAL PLEAS ReePAcorvron YoURRECOROS oral |A ‘ates ca wa eon eet Cen ha 2 oct ons Piney Sew tens BE ‘800.0140 PO or 0279 an Prev Gon, Vs BO VOW 93 NS PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS: SUBNIT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH FUNGTION HELD 4228 » FUNDRAISING FUNCTION TICKET SALES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE | ELECTIONS ©= ‘Anon pean Office ofthe Legiature esse [7 i EDF ENON os > CH Jeaenes afrat } Sate OF EVENT OTVINMTOO) [DESCRPTONGFFUNORNSING EVENT Il Ingonje reported as campaign contibutions Nuiber'ot Tickots Sold ott char gat “Tota argos por Ticket “ Collect Varios Purchases by organizations Purchases by Ineiialé of moro than $250 worth of eels Purchetos by individuals oft that arg more than $60 each 7 Gthos Income net Faported as campsisn contrbutlons i’ Tiek It umber ot char Toteicoarges “Tien” Teckots Sold por Tickat Collected Verlag “Folal income repoytettas campaign contibutions einainbt ror epmsign Bunton on for¥223- Summary of ConpalgnContbuons by Class, ‘and If applicable, on form 4224 - Significant Contributors ($100 or moro): Purchases by Indliduas of ] “tek of $50 or oss é bo sage 8 FAG “Thom tal fo pte pst, Drtawat~ ELECTIONS Bo PLEASE KEEPA COPY POR YOUR RECORDS “Ti looaton ctl emir hs Loca tate Cela linc Ac. ‘Guveone’ Cesc Privy Oley, Eoctient 1-400661.680 PO oe 216 sin Gon saa BO VOW a8 TOOAL 4229 - SUMMARY OF ELECTION EXPENSES LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT INBLOCK LETTERS @ELECTIONS = En pon-pantssn ome of re LeGaiis aa OF ANOIOATE Chases Jénnes ADVERTISING olunin A Etseton Expenses caluein B tection Proctedngs Period Expenses Brochures; pera ent jes Internat Mowspaper magento Bao, Stone and ib, “obvison iar adoring CAMPAIGN ADMINISTRATION Saves nd wogee i reuranoo an ites “Cour ans postage om end sxipaod ‘ofes upon Pei ies ‘her canpelan ainskton ooence Savina afi neti ‘thor caipalg rela fuetions ‘Recast nd pain | Soe | EXGLI/sioNs THAT MUST BE REPORTED Personatalection expenses Intogst of eens for olagen ances ‘Loge are sceounting sortcos Fthanesalsijon senda. [Stior expenses (eseibo) I Ss, Total Exponbes ae a oun A Ret if of lato weit ait een ute a capsid Shetarein blo oer Sonny Wad ev) ‘he stele preston ae fom eptomin 20,2014 oven e201 ‘Ts fo vai fx pus roscoe ‘Oktaniat— FLECTONSEC LEASE KEEP AGOPY FOR YOUR RECOS _Goturan 8 - Repo the valve os eteton expanses for goods and sence used in he Seton proceedings pstod "is nontont cold to ncn Local Bosons Camp isl Ae. “dhesans?CarecePrvecy Offer Eetlons BC ‘Lexoaot.ab60"PO Box 9278 Stroy Gon, Vs va 4230 - TRANSFERS.GIVEN TO ELECTOR ORGANIZATION LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS: ELECTIONS &< ‘Avonparlian OMceet heLeglslture Tae oF SORE ae CA Jeares oF [7 nase a . escru co yarug on FRE, | eavorimueormzcronorannznon FTN HON ONETARY) geo i | veel] | | ‘iv cae opal name iestoralaniltnas,. “Torn ea rub epecton. ORIGINAL = ELECTIONS PLEASE REEP A CORY FOR YOUR RECORDS ‘TOTAL “Tistnloni ceact toads the Local Blain Campa Ranch "Rel Gore Psy Sten eco ‘-9on.g1snes PO Bx 076 Gn Prov Go, Vso BO VOT IB 4231 OTHER PERMISSIBLE PAYMENTS. FROM CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT ELECTION: LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE Snesronee ese tata PLEASE PRINTIN BLOCK LETTERS To SRRE 7 fen CM Seanes er Piooy | TE esoReTion ‘tout “hie tel a nopectn, ‘gyal ELECTIONS BC PLEASE KEEP ACOPYFoR YOUR RECORDS “Tienes i pasado dtr Local Eons Compan Sanaa Caen? Gon Piay Ow econ Be vo 60-9008 PO Box 8776 stnPsw ont Vite eT 4232 - SHARED ELECTION EXPENSE LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE QGELECTIONS ae PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ‘Anon-partsan Ofce ofthe Legsiature ‘SUBMIT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH SHARED ELECTION EXPENSE iar ORION mwce(__] eL_] DERGTPTION F RED OPENS Tolal value of shared election oxpense Candidate's portion of shared election expense" "Amount pald directly to supplier (if appileable) ‘Amount of ralmbursemants given to other candidate(s) “Amount of relmbureemants recelved from other candidates Not Remember to Include your portion of the shared expense as an election oxpense on form 4228 « Summary of Election Expenses. Full names of other candidates with vliom the expense was sharod: TasT Mane. RST WANE DOLE HAN “Tm table publs rope, ORGINAL ~ eLECTIONSEC ‘is ema s cacao edt Leal lectins Campagn Peercla Ac. | “Guestne? Contac Prvecy Ofer, oclione BC | PLEASE KEEPACCOPY FoR YOURRECORDS ‘Leon atone Poor ap Sn ProrGon Moe BC VOW BIB URL 4233 - TRANSFERS BETWEEN CANDIDATE’ OWN CAMPAIGN ACCOUNTS. ‘LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS: QGELECTIONS Be ‘Anow pation Ofce ofthe Leisature wmmeinone Oh Teanes ‘Transfers between candidate's own campaign accounts in adm futisdletlon PURPOSE: ‘AnOUNT ‘Tranifeis from catdlidate's own carnpagi accounts in other jurisdictions oR | “PURPOSE QWELUDE NAME GF OTHER JURISDICTION) ‘Transfore to candidate's own campalgm accounts In other jurlsdictlons rome] A oc ‘moun ror |B. send B inst be canted forward to fom 4222, “Thasfwn i avtatio rp npn: “Tn dometon teat oa tr te Lal leone Coneain Facing Ack “Guess Conte Pracy iar, lectons BC ‘OnicmAL = ELECTIONS AC 90 tbf-0080 PO Boe tsa Pre Govt, Va 86 VOW 88. [BLEASE KEEPACOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 4234 - DISBURSEMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS. LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE BEELECTIONS 6¢ PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ORE Balencensring le eampalon socom) errant fal expenses a “Total amount of campelgn contributions from candidate BI ‘Amoun{ réinbureod io candle rom canpalonscccunt othe candldt'sconbulen other campeon | | ] ‘Date of reimblursémentt6,candidats (YYY/MMYDD) [ ‘Anobntofmsining sop und (fer any relbueament under Box) Jo) ithe amount 36x D1 $400 or mor, K mist Be ald the jurittion In Which the barddate 7 Tan for alton, Proviea he date of payment (YYYY/IHW/DP) Irteamount Box ees an 60 provide eas of Vos vas lara erevii00) etcaiPTiOn ‘wou i Tigo parte ptepcon ‘amnesia nl en Caen a GhlaWNAL.— ELECTIONS Bc PLEASE KEEP AGoPY;FoR YOUR RECORDS {-80001-0909 PO BonSZ74 Sle Pet Got, Vera BO VOW BIE 4235 - FREE ADVERTISING FROM JURISDICTION LOCAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. ELECTIONS & Avon-bartcin Ofic6.of th Lealdature aE OF ERIONTE CH Seanes Free advertising provided by jursdletion are anvenTianye Was TRANSMITTED vonieoiéTION forever) ueans oP Tanisatssion wens, FLYER, ETC}. 1. WEEE wt Tila cn aati rp npn, ORGNAL—eLecrONSEC. PLease Ker aboPY FOR YOUR RECORDS, ‘He Sfomtonctacad a nia ho ze Es Sampson nny Ac. bed? Gentes Privacy tice, lection BC ‘-ea6ee-e0ea PO BacbaV6 Sn Pro Gan. ios BC VOW RD, QeELecT IONS &— LOGAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE 'Anonpertsan Oftethe Leplsture PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS RAE OF ERODE ae aiee Seams eer EETWE DATE OF APPOINTMENT (POT TOD) e 2 ¢ ola port RRAREL RENATO aa FRIST ROENT OAT NE ROORESS ARNE: | femaome Ua GE ABIES | > | [ppsneoreonirromenre «| [REELS ETE ARTE TENE TCS 7 eT I canXTOwn ame [POSTAL Gone [EMAIL (1F AVAILABLE) | | EEEECTIE DARE OF APRONTMENTPPVYNANTBD) f FINANGIAL AGENT'S LAST NAME FRSTNAE MODERNE | | [rman ocean reese - | arom ee PORTAL ESDE_ | RTATS —————— | FRUNCIL AGENTS AST WE FRSTOME DOLE RE FRAGA ASE ANG ABORT RENE | ah onyrron 1 reosta cone. | EMALAFAVALABLE] i “he fom svat opus pod OftoWAL ~ ELEeTTONG Be PLEASE Keer ACOPY FOR YOURREGQROS sare poeta cian tee tee i scoonen Seca e mere

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