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Bab #11 Analysis and Design

Information is an agent of coordination and

control and serves as a glue that holds
together organisations, franchises, supply
chains and distribution channels. Along with
material and other resource flows,
information flows must also be handled
effectively in
any organisation.
Pant and Ravichandran (2001)



Assign tasks to people

Remind people about their
tasks which are part of a
workflow queue
Allow collaboration between
people sharing tasks
Retrieve information needed to
complete the task such as a
customers personal details
Provide an overview for
managers of the status of each
task and the teams

Work Flow
the automation of a
business process, in
whole or part during
which documents,
information or tasks
are passed from one
participant to another
for action, according
to a set of procedural

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Symbols used for flow process charts

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Identify entities

Data Modelling

Identify attributes for entities

Entities define the broad groupings of information such as

information about different people, transactions or products.
Examples include customer, employee, sales orders, purchase
orders.When the design is implemented each design will form a
database table.
Entities have different properties known as attributes that
describe the characteristics of any single instance of an entity. For
example, the customer entity has attributes such as name, phone
number and e-mail address. When the design is implemented each
attribute will form a field, and the collection of fields for one
instance of the entity such as a particular customer will form a

Identify relationships between entities

The relationships between entities require identification of which

fields are used to link the tables. For example, for each order a
customer places we need to know which customer has placed the
order and which product they have ordered. As is evident, the fields
customer id and product id are used to relate the order information
between the three tables. The fields that are used to relate tables
are referred to as key fields. A primary key is used to uniquely
identify each instance of an entity and a secondary key is used to
link to a primary key in another table. The primary key of the
customer table is customer id, but the field customer id in the order
table is here a secondary key that links back to the customer table.
This relationship is an example of a one-to-many relationship since
each customer may place many orders over the lifetime of the

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ER Diagram

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Web server.Manages http requests from

client and acts as a passive broker to
other servers. Returns or serves web
Merchant server. This is the main
location of the application logic and
integrates the entire application by
making requests to the other server
Personalization server. Provides tailored
content may be part of commerce
server functionality.
Payment commerce server.Manages
payment systems and secure
Catalogue server. A document
management server used to display
detailed product information and
technical specifications.
CRM server. Stores information on all
customer contacts.
ERP server. Required for information on
stock availability and pricing from the
customer. Will also need to be accessed
for sales order processing and histories.
Logistics for distribution will also be
arranged through the ERP server.


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Who are the important users?

What is their purpose in accessing the
How frequently will they visit the site?
What experience and expertise do they
What nationality are they? Can they read
What type of information are they looking
How will they want to use the
information: read it on the screen, print it
or download it?
What type of browsers will they use? How
fast will their communication links be?
How large a screen/window will they use,
with how many colours?

User Centred

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1 Emotional connection
Q1: I feel related to the type of people who are [X]s
Q2: I feel like [X] actually cares about me
Q3: I feel as though [X] really understands me
2 Online experience
Q4: [X]s web site provides easy-to-follow search paths
Q5: I never feel lost when navigating through [X]s web
Q6: I was able to obtain the information I wanted without
any delay
3 Responsive service nature
Q7: [X] is willing and ready to respond to customer needs
Q8: [X]s web site gives visitors the opportunity to talk
back to [X]
4 Trust
Q9: I trust [X] to keep my personal information safe
Q10: I feel safe in my transactions with [X]
5 Fulfilment
Q11: I got what I ordered from [X]s web site
Q12: The product was delivered by the time promised by


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Use Case
Relationship between
actors and use-cases
for a B2C company,
sell-side e-commerce


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Pre-condition: A user is active on the web site.

Scenario: Register.
Basic path:


1 Use-case starts when customer presses register.

2 Customer enters name, postal address and e-mail.
3 The post/zip code and e-mail address (@ symbol)
will be checked for validity after entry and the user
prompted if there is an error.
4 The customer will select submit.
5 The system will check all fields are present and the
customer information will be passed to the CRM
6 A redirect page will be displayed to thank the
customer for registering and provide an option to
return to the home page, and the use-case ends.

Post-condition: The customer details have been

Alternative paths: The customer can cancel at
stages 2 to 4 before pressing submit and the
use-case ends.


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Narrow and Deep

Broad and


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Purchasers. These are the

consumers buying the goods.
Merchants. These are the
Certification authority (CA).
This is a body that issues
digital certificates that confirm
the identity of purchasers and
Banks. These are traditional
Electronic token issuer. A
virtual bank that issues digital

Parties Involved
in The Secure

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Privacy and confidentiality

Checks that the message sent is complete, i.e.

that it is not corrupted.


Are transaction data protected? The consumer

may want to make an anonymous purchase.
Are all non-essential traces of a transaction
removed from the public network and all
intermediary records eliminated (risks (b) and
(c) above)?


Are parties to the transaction who they claim

to be (risk (c) above)?

The Basic
for Security

Ensures sender cannot deny sending



How can threats to the continuity and

performance of the systembe eliminated?


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Public-key or asymmetric encryption


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Client browser sends request

for a secure connection.
Server responds with a digital
certificate which is sent for
Client and server negotiate
session keys, which are
symmetrical keys used only for
the duration of the transaction.


Secure Sockets
Layer Protocol

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Analysis of business and user

requirements for e-business systems
is important in delivering usable and
relevant systems.
Process modelling is used to assess
existing business processes and
suggest revised processes.
Techniques such as task analysis and
flow process charts from workflow
design are useful in understanding
tasks that must be supported by the
system and weaknesses in the
current process.
Data modelling for e-business
systems mainly involves traditional
entity relationship approaches.

Summary #1

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Architectural designs involve

assessing appropriate integration
between legacy systems and new ecommerce systems. Such designs are
based on the clientserver approach.
User interface design can be improved
through using structured approaches
such as use-case and following
evolving standards for site structure,
page structure and content.
Security design is important to
maintain trust amongst the customer
base. Security solutions target
protecting servers from attack and
prevent interception of messages
when they are in transit.


Summary #2

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