Fernando Andrade MAS150 Extra Credit Hardimann

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Over the years the term racism has been decreased in order to benefit all of us, but
for many people there is still the negative feeling about the difference of two races. I know
this is a very touchy issue but, I can't help feel sick each time the thought that Racism still
exist occurs in my mind. I feel as though modern idea-logy on racism has somehow
changed. I personally faced those problems; because of the fact that Im from origin Latino
many white people treated me different, but that never affect my way to see a person that its
race is different from mine. Unfortunately it is human nature to be suspicious and intolerant
of another group of people just because of their differences whether they are physical, like
skin color, or religious. People are afraid of those who are different from themselves, that is
why I have experienced the stages and I think that Im neutral about it, because there are
still white people or people from other race that passes through the stages equally. Even an
Asian or other non-white can have problems with the distinction of race, as they can act if
they have no social consciousness. I have seen different ethnic groups sharing with each
other and accepting who they are, that happened when I get into College because there is
where I know people from different countries and how is their relation with everyone and I
learned so much about different cultures, and as a example I can share that because of that
one of my best friends now is African and Im proud of how he became accepted by other
people, most of them white. We are surrounded of situations in which these stages are
present, but I have never been afraid of those from other race. Since I was little, I always
looked from people who were different than me as very special and magical and I wanted to
be their friend so I could be touched by that magic too. This world would be a different

place if we looked equally on those who are different from us instead of looking through
the eyes of rejection.

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