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Grammar Articles ( a, an, the)

1. Please give me _________ pair of scissors.

2. That is ________ nail. That is not _________ needle.
3. What is it? It is _________ iron.
4. Please give her _________ orange and _________ mango.
5. What do the boys want? They want ________ clock.
6. I use ________ fishing rod to catch fish.
7. _________ rubber tapper works in ________ rubber estate.
8. Mr. Ah Meng is _________ clerk. He works in _______ office.
9. Where is _________ blue bag? It is on ________ table.
10. __________ moves around __________ sun.
11. ______ Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean in _______ world.
12. There is ________field behind the shop. ________ field is big.
13. ________ house at _______ junction is Pak Dins house.
14. ________ mosque is ________ place of worship.
15. ________ books on ________ shelf are mine.
16. My neighbour is ________ headmaster of _______ Hibiscus
International School.
17. I received ________ music box and ________ expensive
watch on my birthday.
18. Daniel is ________ most intelligent boy in this class.
19. The salesgirl has just sold _____ pen. It is _____ fountain pen.
20. We saw _______ accident on the way to Penang.
21. I can see _______ eagle flying in ________ sky.
22. _______ Olympic games is held once every four years.
23. May I have ______ cup of tea and ______ apple pie?

24. _________ manager of that restaurant is _______ good friend

of my father.
25. I bought ________ apartment in Cameron Highlands recently.
________ apartment is on ________ third floor.
26. There was _______ fire in Kampung Aman.
27. Is this ________ same book that you lent me last year?
28. ________ toad is ________ amphibian.
29. There are 365 days in ______ year. January is _______ first
month of ________ year.
30. _________ owner of that car has gone into that shop.
31. Liza has _______ aunt who is the secretary of _______ Prime
32. He had _______ orange for dessert. It was _______ Mandarin
33. Azlan wishes to be ______ accountant. He is now doing _____
degree in Accountancy.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with a or the.

It was _________(34) warm day. The wind was blowing. There
were no clouds in _________(35) sky. Many people were on
_________(36) sandy beach. Some were playing happily with
_________(37) ball. A few people were swimming in _________(38)
sea. Suresh sat under _________(39) shady tree and watched
_________(40) people enjoying themselves.

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