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Have you ever been asked to look at a faulty report that was executed as a

background job with no variant? You had to try and guess what parameters
were used on the selection screen. This is not so bad if you know the way to
extract exactly what was entered on the selection screen.

Follow these steps:

1. Goto transaction SM37 and enter program name as jobname.(usually the
case for programs executed in the background) and press enter 2. Then click
on "step" button or menu "goto->step overview"
3. Under "parameters", you'll see a variant with a name like '&0000000000031'
4. Copy that long variant and goto se38
5. Enter your program name and click the variants radio button and press
display button
6. In the variant field enter the long variant, make sure the radio button is on
'values' and press the display button
7. Voila, a screen shows you exactly what was entered on the selection screen

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