Tweedlewink 8 Points For Teachers

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TweedleWink is a learning program that teaches children and adults in a whole new way.

It incorporates techniques that speak to the right hemisphere of the brain and how it
seems to learn: intuitively, effortlessly, through images, relaxation, music and love.
Although it is called "Right Brain Education," our method encourages whole brain
development by linking all right brain technologies -- speed learning, photographic
memory, intuitive math and language, and three-dimensional imagination -- with the
logical, methodical left brain.
Although we've tried methods that speed the pace of the heart, we've found that over
time, children become over-stimulated and can lose social connection to the adults in
their environment. When you flash to the beat of the heart, the central nervous system of
the child is fully supportedalong with all other systems, including respiration and
Yes, one class a week is enough for subconscious/right brain input. Each class includes
with over 450 new bytes of information, including fun games to ground the information
and develop other areas for a holistic lesson. To nurture the emerging left brain, we send
materials home each week: (1) a parent play page, outlining home activities and (2) a
"touch chart" to review core math, phonics, word and music elements.
Children who are taught Right Brain Education from the earliest moments of life gain an
incredible library of information that they will use throughout life. The presence of
information allows more connections to develop within the brain, increasing intelligence
and creative thinking power. And perhaps most importantly, because we teach parents
right along with the children, the foundation of this programunconditional love
creates a profound bond that accelerates a child's sense of well being, pure joy and
passion for life.
This is subconscious input, which a child cannot express when in the "right brain
window" but will be seen as soon as the child bridges over to more left-brain thought.
This occurs at about 2-8 years of age. Girls bridge earlier, boys bridge later. But
PLEASE do not rush to have this happen in your child. The longer he/she is in the prebridging "right brain window," the stronger the subconscious library becomes. And the
happier they are when in this cycle, the stronger their access will be to the information.
TweedleWink is a simple, yet powerful early learning program designed to augment any
existing school program -- or used as a stand-alone program in a homeschool setting -for children ages zero to six.
Children who entered the classroom at about three to six months of age graduated to the
preschool program at age three knowing the fundamentals of math, reading, music and
language. About 50 percent of the infant-toddler graduates were reading using phonics,
100 percent could recognize a basic set of whole words, and all children had a wonderful
grasp of math, naturally and joyfully embracing the Montessori math materials in the

TweedleWink methods are not rigorous. They have always been playful. Our motto is
relationships before results. When we stay true to this maxim, children feel no stress.
Their playful curiosity expands and ignites, fueling an eagerness to learn and explore
their learning environment and any learning materials that they are offered along the way.
TweedleWink presents a basic understanding in key areas of learning, and then lets
your child's mind categorize and organize that knowledge through playful Montessoriinspired lessons.
TweedleWink is the springboard from which your child can develop and grow as
a healthy, compassionate, kind and full human being who has equal amounts of IQ and
EQ -- intellect and creativity -- at their disposal.

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