Excel2007 Security

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Excel 2007, Security and Add-Ins

The first time that you attempt to open Excel OM in Excel 2007 you may be confronted with the
following window on the screen.

If you have used previous versions of Excel you would be expecting the Enable Macros button
to be enabled but it is not. Do not panic. There are two ways to enable the Macros:

Enable the Certificate

Create a trusted location - trust all macros from the folder in which the file resides

Enabling the certificate is the preferred method. Using this method you can enable all software
from Prentice-Hall at one time. Creating a trusted location means you need to run through the
trust location process once for each Prentice-Hall software package that is included with your
text. One note, creating a trusted location should always work but the same can not be said for
enabling the certificate. If enabling the certificate does not work then try the second method of
creating a trusted location.
(You may want to visit http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HA102278631033.aspx)

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Enable the Certificate

Click on the Show Signature Details link. The following window will display the certificate.
(Click on More Information if you want Microsofts explanation entitled Enable or disable
macros in Office documents)

Click on the View Certificate button and the following screen will appear.

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Click on the Install Certificate button. This will bring up the Certificate Import Wizard as
displayed below.

Click the Next button bringing up the following screen

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Click the Next button again bringing up the window stating that you have imported the

Click the Finish button. You may infer at this point that you are finished but there is a little more
to do.

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You should receive the final warning from Windows. Click the Yes button and you will finally
receive a message of successful completion as shown below.

Click the OK button three times to back out of the open windows until you reach the original
Security Notice window. At this point the other two buttons are enabled as shown below. You
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can either click on the Trust all from publisher button in which case Excel will never again ask
you about enabling the macros in Excel OM or you can click on the Enable Macros button and
each time you load Excel OM you will begin with the window below and can simply click on the
Enable Macros button again since it will be enabled from now on when you load Excel OM..

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Create a trusted location

This section has been modified from

Click the Microsoft Office Button


Click Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, and then click Trusted Locations.


Click Add new location.


, and then click Excel Options.

We recommended that you don't make your entire Documents or My Documents folder a trusted

location. Doing so creates a larger target for a hacker to potentially exploit and increases your security risk.
Create a subfolder within Documents or My Documents, and make only that folder a trusted location.

Click Browse to locate the folder. Depending on which Prentice-Hall Business Publishing software you
have the folder will be one of the following.


C:\Program files\ExcelOM3

C:\Program files\ExcelQM3

C:\Program files\ExcelOM2

C:\Program files\ExcelQM2

C:\Program Files\Active Models

C:\Program Files\Prentice Hall\OMExplorerKRM

C:\Program Files\Prentice Hall\Active Models

Click OK.

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