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eae What Tools Have Been Used? ‘This aloum cover was most ikely created using pho- to-editing software such as photoshop, the cover depicts a morph of the album creator Lady Gaga as a ‘motorcycle. The photoshop tools they most likely used are the quick mask too, the layers palette, the brush tools the fil tool and the text tool. The artist was photo- {graphed within a photoshoot priar tothe creation of this ‘cover. However, only certain parts ofthe original photo- {graph have been used in this cover, the head and arms, to be exact. This cover could also be considered a pho- tomontage as two photographs have been combined and edited to create a new composite image. The moto- rocyole and original photagraph of the singer were mast likely kept on seperate layers throughout the editing croc nage aftvenalrscht6 2% Brocess, The background and text were most likely kept ‘on seperate layers too. They most likely cut-out and created multiple layers for the parts they wanted to ‘merge, as some parts of the singer and the motorcycle overlap slightly. How do the tools used make the work look? sum vr ha ty eka bist inept act oe or Th Wyn cover smear ar yer an potons hve tere, pr feta The stun her ofa tea saree ve, eras poet sae toigh sng ta otac rtonetns,

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