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Aziz & Cucher

Form Elements:


This is a photograph taken with a digital camera, the main subject

in the image is a portrait, of what seems like a man, this can be
found in the foreground. The photographer has used the cantered
rule of thirds to bring attention to the subject, as well as to create a
clear focus, appealing image.

This image makes me feel, quite horrified. This

is because the way that whole features and
aspects of the face have been moulded over,
this gives the face an unhuman like feel to it.
The photographer has challenged my
perceptions as, what could have been a normal
face has been distorted to make it unordinary,
Taking away imperfections has also taken
away the human entity of it.

Links to Own work:

This links in with my own title of Flaws and Imperfections because
as you can see from the image, the photographer has taken away
features of the face that could have potential flaws, e.g. mouth,
nose, eyes etc. I wish to explore this further to see the lengths that
people take to get rid of these Imperfections.
In this photograph the photographer has edited
the photo to take away features of the face, I
think that people dont like. This is in a sense
taking away imperfections. This photo can tell us
a story of what people think of themselves and
each other, what insecurities or imperfections,
which they think they have. This photograph has
clearly been distorted and abstracted, is clear
through the way that whole features of the face
have been deleted or corrected off the face.

The process in which to make
this image is that the
photographer could have
taken a normal portrait picture
and then edited the photo to
take away certain features of
the face, i.e. mouth, eyes and

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