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Hammond, 2014
Name: ___Michelle Bell___

Your turn!

Fill in this sexy little organizer to practice creating a SEXY paragraph

Begin with a statement (a
sentence or two) describing
the main idea of the

Explain your statement in
more detail. Expand,
elaborate, develop, and

Give an example (evidence)
from the text you are
studying, or from research,
that supports your main
idea. Use paraphrasing or
quotations, and cite the

Explain why your example
is relevant to your
topic/thesis/question AND
why your point is
significant OR what your
opinion is.

Teenagers are all very unique and cant be labelled the same
as people beside them. In the video Surviving the Teenage
Brain some can be as bad as people say but there are a
percentage of them that arent, as Generation Tame
Surviving the Teenage Brain focused on the fact teens
brains are not fully developed and like to explore their limits.
Generation Tame focused on the more soft side and how
they are responsible.

So in Generation Tame they have a grade 9 student who had mentioned

that its not really the punishment its more what her parents think. This
helps her to make the right choices to make her parents proud yet she
argues the facts people think teens are all about. In Surviving the
Teenage Brain it shows a teen that is proud of his videos that proves the
stereotypes that people think are true. He had one video that him and his
friends that sit in a dugout and set off fireworks. As dangerous as it
seems they did survive. This proves both sides of my theory.

My examples are relevant to the question because it shows

both sides of my opinion. One side being that there are teens
that can be very responsible and the other side being they are
what people think they are. {Drinking, stupid/foolish, rude,
lazy, loud} My point is significant because I believe that the
people are partially right and all they need to realize the
other side of teens. So teens can be as bad as people say if
they realize that they have a softer side and can be

Ms. Hammond, 2014

Are teenagers really as bad as people say they are? Support your answer with
examples from Surviving the Teenage Brain AND Generation Tame.
-listen to rap/ rock /scream/ metal
-drink a lot
-stupid make horrible descisions
-tats and periceings
-very emotional unstable
-dress innaproperatly
-smoke weeed every day
Good things
-more responsible
- less of the activity
- adult do more

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