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Pre-Treatment CPO

CPO Awal

1. Degumming dan bleaching Tujuan: untuk membuang gum

(phospholipids) dan logam berat
Dry Acid Degumming (simple, uses standard bleaching
equipment) + Bleaching
o Heat oil to 80-100oC (atau 60-70oC)
o Acid addition and mixing asam fosfat (75-80%wt strength in
0,05-1,20% of oil) untuk hilangin ion logam/phospatide
Bleaching earth juga ditambahkan (1-3%wt based on the
oil; mahal coy) ditambahin di mixer fungsinya buat
ngikat degumming acid beserta phospatids dkk
kemudian dibuang via filtrasi
Activated carbon juga ditambahkan (optional)
o Hydration mixing 30 minutes (heated to bleaching temp. 120 or
140 min selama 15 min, setelah itu didinginkan hingga di bawah
100oC) tangka berpengaduk / CSTR
o Centrifugal separation of hydrated gums (filtrasi)
o Vacuum drying of degummed oil (bisa pake plate and frame filter
press atau vertical leaf pressure filter)
o Gums -recombined in meal
Preferrably, high temperatures are avoided because of the risk of
forming oil degradation products

RBPO to Methyl Ester

Metanol/TG = 6:1
Waktu reaksi 20-60 mins
Suhu reaksi 25-85oC
(umumnya 60oC)
Yield 85-94% (bergantung
pada rasio met/TG dan T
Info salah satu sumber:
Yield (theoretical) ME 58,8%
residence time 40, 97,3%
kalo residence time 60
However, higher residence

Katalis basa:
1% w/w KOH
dissolved in the
methanol (1%

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