Horror - Proposal

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Pysch:Out: Bloody Mary

By Sarah Emily Woolley

Would you dare chant the deadly incantation and risk unleashing the evil
Stepping into tomorrow is a short horror film as part of the Psych:Out series by
Wilco Pictures Productions. Bloody Mary is a 5 minute paranormal drama with
psychological aspects, in which the young protagonist breaks down due to
supernatural goings on.
This film is targeted at Channel 4s main audience, 16-34 year olds, as they are
young in mind set and can allow themselves to be immersed without losing
themselves. I have also chosen this audience as the story revolves around the
life of a average teenager, allowing younger audiences to possibly relate easier.
It also taps into urban legends and psychological disorders.

Ally Lawson is a popular young teenager who always feels the need to control
others and be superior. But when the evil spirit, Bloody Mary, is unleashed from
her prison, events begin to turn and Ally becomes a victim of her torments and
loses herself in anguish. Mary's wrath has begun and there is no knowing how far
she will go. The legend is real and all you have to do is say her name
This film is very high concept due to the fact that it has an easily understood,
compelling premise.

Underlying Message
One of the most obvious messages to take from this story is you reap what you
sow. Ally has always pushed Kiera into doing things she doesnt want to do and
is now finally paying the price. Ally has a habit of messing with things she
doesnt understand and has finally taken it to the extreme. Another important
message conveyed by this it not to meddle with the unknown.

Ally Lawson: A popular, 16 year old girl who lives at home with her parents. She
has quite a condescending personality and feels the need to control others. This
is possibly due to the fact that she was bullied as a child and was left not really
knowing who she truly is. Driven by power, she is willing to do almost anything in
order to get her way and doesnt care about who she may hurt in the process.
The only person who perhaps knows the real Ally is her best friend, Kiera, who
has always stood by her, despite Allys ridicules. Although she is the protagonist
in the story, the audiences loyalties may lie with Kiera, a more trustworthy
character. However, as the story progresses, the audience may be able to
sympathise with her character more as we learn more about her true identity.
Kiera Henderson: 15 years old and in her final year of school. She is the good girl
and always plays by the rules, unlike Ally, her best friend. She appears quite shy
and somewhat downtrodden. Kiera is the smarter out of the two and does her
best to keep Ally in order. Despite her best efforts, Ally still manages to go off the

rails and often tends to take Kiera down with her. Kiera is a lot quieter than Ally
and cant seem to function without her.
Pairing these characters together emphasizes their contrasting personalities and
highlights their individual qualities.

Act I Ally and Kiera are sat on Allys bed catching up on the latest gossip. When
the chatter begins to die down, Ally suggests they play a game of Bloody Mary.
Reluctant at first, Kiera agrees and ends up going first. As she begins the chant,
Ally starts messing around and pretends she saw something in the mirror.
Obviously freaked out, Kiera stops the chant with one line to go. Realising it was
a joke, Kiera starts to have a go at her friend but they quickly manage to laugh
about it. However, as the scene comes to an end, we see a disturbed look cross
Allys face.
Later that night, when Kiera is asleep, Ally lies in bed, restlessly. She eventually
gets up to go to the bathroom, clearly unsettled by something. As shes washing
her hands, she looks up to see herself in the mirror. Almost reluctantly, she says
Bloody Mary. She pauses for a second, as if expecting something to happen,
then laughs to herself, looking down. For a brief second, something appears in
the mirror, completely unnoticed by Ally.
Act II With last nights game forgotten Ally is in the shower, refreshed and in a
good mood. She gets out and dries herself off, then goes to sort her hair out in
the mirror. She jumps back and we see the words Bloody Mary written on the
mirror. Breathing heavily she quickly rubs it away and carries on, once again on
As Ally gets on with things at home she senses a presence with her. She begins
to see things and is sure that Bloody Mary is tormenting her. Feeling helpless and
afraid she stumbles across a website on the Internet about Bloody Mary. Terrified
about what she has read, she breaks down in a complete state of paranoia.
Act III - She calls Kiera who tries to reassure her. Kiera then hangs up and makes
a comment about Ally being crazy. Ally hears this, as the call hadnt ended. Ally
begins to cry and she sees Bloody Mary laughing at her from in the mirror.
That night she overhears her parents talking about her and she becomes
convinced that everyone is against her. She then breaks down screaming as
Bloody Mary watches, satisfied with her work.

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