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Historical & General Information about the Club

The Club is assumed to have been formed from the Financiers Golf Club which
itself is thought to have come to life in 1920. This ties in with the clubs logo of a
gold cross and a silver one, representing the ten goldsmiths and ten silversmiths
who were believed to be the founding members
Glasgow XX Curling Club is known to have been instituted in 1933, and to have
been admitted to membership of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club also in 1933.
The Royal Club Annual of 1932/33 lists the XX Club office bearers of the day, and
the 1933/34 Annual reports the Clubs formal admittance to the Royal Club. The
1935/36 Annual is the first to list the Clubs Office Bearers and Members.
Regrettably, the minutes of the XX Club AGMs prior to 1948 have not been
located, so details of the early activities remain lost in time. However, some
paraphrasing of the business of the Clubs AGMs post 1948 has survived and
makes interesting reading.
The various Trophies played for or owned by the Club also have some history.
The David M Duncan Trophy, is named after one of XX clubs most prominent
members who became President of the Royal Club in 1975/76. (XX club member
Robin Brechin was also elected Royal Club President in 1987/88) The Trophy was
originally played for at the Summit Centre and now resides at Braehead Curling
Rink where it is played for annually by teams from clubs playing at Braehead.
David was a Past-President of the Club in 1976, and served for many years as its
honorary secretary.
The Canburn Trophy is awarded annually to the club team winning the
Presidents Prizes, the league which takes place in the first half of the season.
The Canburn Trophy was originally in the possession of the Conservative Club,
and was donated by Brodie Hepburn and David Duncan,
The Bobby Cook Stones is a unique trophy played for in the second half of the
season, once the New Year festivities are done and dusted. The trophy is a
composite of a gift of two small silver curling stones, inscribed Glasgow XX 1933,
presented by Wilma Cook, widow of XX Club member and Past President Bobby
Cook. Bobby had bought the stones at auction and it was always his wish that
they be returned to the Club. They now are mounted on a magnificent oak plinth,
hand crafted by club member Ian Taylor and feature the two symbolic XXs of
the clubs logo.
The Brownlee Quaich may be awarded annually at the Committees discretion to
the member who, in their opinion, best serves the Club during the year. The
Quaich was donated in 1981/82 by Jimmy Forrest (of Brownlee & Co) to honour
the Club Curler of the Year.

The Financiers Box is a silver cigarette box, played for at golf by the members
annually, usually in August. For many years the competition was held at
Prestwick, but in recent years has taken the form of lunch, a stableford round of
golf and Dinner at Western Gailes Golf Club. The original box, dating from 1922,
is still in existence, but was damaged in 1986 and replaced with an identical
silver cigarette box which is still played for annually.
There is no formal Constitution for the Club, however amongst its unwritten
rules are: the Club tie must be worn on all club occasions (wrongdoers may be
fined by the President at the AGM). The Club Sweater will be worn on all Club
Curling occasions. The Club annual programme will include an AGM, Ladies Night,
Bonspiels, Golf Competition, Royal Club and Province competitions, Matches and
the Club League, and on every possible occasion, the Grand Match. The Club
Committee, elected annually, consists of a President, Vice-President, Committee
Man, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. Following in the
traditions of the foundation of the Club, prospective new members are invited to
join by a proposer and seconder who must be existing members of the Club.
Their application is then submitted before the Clubs Annual General Meeting
held in a licensed establishment in April of each year, and voted on by the
members present. Prospective members are required to entertain themselves
elsewhere in the premises, until summonsed to be greeted and informed that
their membership application has been unanimously approved by the body of the
Club, and they are then inducted into the meeting.

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