Universidad Polit Ecnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo Boolean Algebra Problems

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Universidad Politecnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo

Ingeniera en Tecnologas de la Informacion

Boolean Algebra Problems

Professor: Rogelio Basurto Flores
First Quarter 2015
1. Simplify the following boolean functions while saying wich boolean law are
you using in each step. Then, draw both dircuit diagrams, first the one with
no simplification and then the one simplified.

f (a, b, c) = ac + abc
f (a, b, c) = (a + b)(b + a )
f (a, b, c) = a(a + c) + c
f (x, y, z) = x yz + xy z + xyz
f (a, b) = ab + a b
f (x, y, z) = (xyz + xy + xz + x)
f (a, b) = a b + (a(b + a) + b)
f (a, b, c) = aa + ab + ac + bc
f (x, y, z) = xy + x y z + x yz
f (A, B, C) = A B + BC + B C
f (a, b) = (ab) + bc + (abc)
2. Express the next boolean function in 3 diferent forms.
F = A B C + A B CD + A B D + A B C D

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