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Vocabulary chant
Bread, bread, bread
Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes
Cheese, cheese, cheese
Ham, ham, ham
Pizza, pizza, pizza
Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream
Water, water, water
Soup, soup, soup
Lets make lunch song
Lets make lunch.
Lets make lunch.
Come on everybody and lets make lunch.
Bread, tomatoes,
Cheese and ham too.
Come on everybody and lets make lunch.
Lets make lunch.
Lets make lunch.
Come on everybody and lets make lunch.

Pizza, soup, water

Ice cream, too.
Come on everybody and lets make lunch.
I like trees song
I like trees.
I like flowers.
I like the country.

Its quiet.

I like trees.
I like flowers.
I like the country. Its quiet.
I dont like trees.
I dont like flowers.
I dont like the country. Its quiet.
I dont like trees.
I dont like flowers.
I dont like the country. Its quiet.
I like cars.
I like shops.
I like the city.

Its noisy.

I like cars.
I like shops.
I like the city. Its noisy.
I dont like cars.
I dont like shops.
I dont like the city. Its noisy.
I dont like cars.
I dont like shops.
I dont like the city. Its noisy.
What do you eat for breakfast? song
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Early in the morning.
Oranges grow on trees
Oranges grow on trees
To make orange juice, just squeeze.
Early in the morning.

Cornflakes come from corn

Cornflakes come from corn
Add some milk and they are yum!
Early in the morning.
Bread comes from wheat.
Bread comes from wheat.
Add some jam to make a treat.
Early in the morning.
Chocolate beans come from cocoa pods.
Chocolate beans come from cocoa pods.
Chocolate milk is full of vitamins.
Early in the morning.
Review 2
Healthy breakfast rap
Eating a healthy snack is what we do.
Apples, oranges and bananas too.
Lets have some bread and cheese.
Lets have some ham too.
Lets drink some chocolate milk.
A snack for me and you!

Eating a healthy snack is what we do.

Plums, carrots and cherries too.
Lets have some sandwiches.
Lets have soup and salad too.
Lets drink some juice or water.
A snack for me and you!
Story: City Mouse and Country Mouse
Molly the mouse lives in a small
house in the country.
I like the country.
Its quiet.
Marco the mouse is Mollys friend.
He lives in a big house in the city.
I like the city. Its noisy.

One day Marco visits Molly

in the country.
Hello, Molly! Im here!
Hello, Marco! Welcome
to the country.

At lunchtime, Molly gives

Marco some bread and cheese.
Bread and cheese!
I dont like bread and cheese.
In the city we eat delicious food.
We eat pizza and ice cream.
Come with me to the city!
So Molly goes to the city with Marco.
This is my house, Molly.
Come in!
Its fantastic!
Its lunchtime.
Im hungry. Lets eat!
Look! Ham! Tomatoes! Pizza!
And ice cream!
But suddenly they hear a noise.
Whats that?
Its a cat!
Run, Molly, run!
The two mice run away.
Im going home!

In the city weve got ham,

tomatoes, pizza and ice cream!
And a big cat too!
I like the country.
Bye, Bye, Marco!
And Molly goes home to the country.

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