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Ethnic Studies 94: MW: 3:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m.
Mariposa Hall Rm. 1000
Instructor: Dr. Viridiana Diaz
Office Phone: 916-278-7241
Office Hours: By Appointment

CAMP Facilitator: Elizabeth Velasquez

Office Phone: 916-278-7208

CAMP Facilitator: Mayra Villarreal

Office Phone: 916-278-7355

In order to change our lives, we must change our behavior. Jullian Michaels
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
Purpose of the Course:
The purpose of this of this course is to help migrant students make a successful transition from high school
to college and integrate into the campus community. Students taking this course earn three-units and fulfill
requirements for the CAMP program.
Learning Goals:
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of academic content knowledge regarding
self-development as a physiological, social and/or psychological being.
2. Students will critically examine prior or current experiences or behaviors from their own lives in
response to real world social and/or psychological contexts (may be evident in self-assessment,
reflection or creative work).
3. Students will apply skills and knowledge regarding development of the self to differing situations,
such as real world challenges, and/or to make connections across perspectives.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to identify their own perspective and make connections/comparisons across
2. Students will be able to plan, monitor, and assess their own learning.
3. Students will be able to set personal and/or professional goals.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is mandatory! Being tardy is the same as being absent. More than 3 unexcused
absences will result in the lowering of the final grade (one grade for each absence over 3). An
excused absence is defined as a verified illness, emergency, or death in the family and verified with
paperwork. Mayra Villarreal must be notified prior to the absence. Please email her at All assignments must be submitted on time. This means that all assignments must
be submitted to the instructor by the beginning of the class (e.g. 3:00 pm).
Prior approval must be given for late assignments. For each day that an assignment is late, the
assignment will be lowered one letter grade.
Extra credit work may be accepted with instructors prior approval.
Readings need to be completed by the date they are to be discussed.
Class participation is mandatory. Participation includes: asking questions in class related to class
discussion, actively listening to class discussion, participating in small group discussions by
contributing your ideas and opinions, and taking notes on lecture/discussion.

Course Policies:

Laptop and cell phone regulation: No use of laptops, cell phone text messaging, or music devices
are allowed during class. Specifically, please avoid point deductions when engaging in these
options casually versus emergency related circumstances.
All emails must be sent to the instructor from the students CSUS email account.
If you have a disability and require accommodations, you need to provide disability documentation
to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, (916) 278-6955. Please discuss your accommodation needs with me
after class or during my office hours early in the semester.
No plagiarism. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated! Please refer to for more information.

Formatting for all Papers

Double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around, 12 point Times New Roman font, and a cover page (title of the
assignment, your name, the instructors names, date, class name and time) are required. The cover page is
not included in the total count.
Leadership Initiative (LI) Paper
Leadership Initiative papers will be based on a question assigned following each of the two Leadership
Initiative workshops. LI papers will be 2 pages in length and will be graded on content and how well the
topic question is answered using critical thinking. Your reflection should explain how the presented material
applies to your personal experiences and experiences as a student.
Leadership Initiative (LI) Reflection Video
As a means to assist students complete the Hornet Pride Certificate, students will complete a 2 minute
video to reflect on their experience in their journey to complete the certificate. A copy of the video will be
submitted for class credit and another copy will be submitted to the Leadership Initiative Program staff for

Reflection Papers
Reflection papers will be 2 pages in length and based on a question assigned at the end of the previous
week. Reflection papers will be graded on content and how well the topic question is answered using
critical thinking and proper grammar. Your reflection should explain how presented models or theories apply
to your personal experiences and experiences as a student.
Research on Student Clubs and Organizations
As an effort to invite you to integrate more into the campus community, you will be assigned to research
three (3) on-campus students clubs and/or organizations. Reach out to the club/organizations leadership
and request to talk to them about their organization the purpose of the organization, membership
process/expectations, etc. You will then take this information and write a two page paper based on the
information provided.
Semester Finances and Action Plan Worksheet
Keeping up with your finances and expenses can be difficult to manage. A class session will be dedicated
to speak to the class about financial aid and the importance of balancing your budget. As your assignment,
you will compete a worksheet to help you plan out your expense for the semester.
Major/Career Research
In an effort to assist students in deciding majors or confirming their major of choice, students will be
assigned to research 2 majors or 2 careers they are interested in pursuing and write a two page paper
based on what is uncovered. For students that are undeclared or not sure of the major they have chosen,
research 2 majors that you are interesting to you and provide the requirements for those majors, whom to
contact information for further information about these majors, and list possible career paths with those
majors. For students that have a declared major, research 2 career possibilities within your particular
major, possible mentors for these careers (on or off campus), and what a typical day would be for a
professional within that career.
Final Project: First Year Experience Video Interview
Your final project will be your opportunity to put your reflective hat on. Students will be asked to pair with
another CAMP student and interview one another on their experience as a first year student. Questions will
be provided for the project by the facilitator. Final projects will be presented in the last week of the
semester. More information will be provided as the semester progresses.
Student Success Chats
Students will be asked to attend four out of six students success chats located in the Hornet Bookstore on
the first floor in the Java City seating area. These informal gatherings are designed to allow students to
discuss experiences and discuss ways in which to be successful in their college journeys. Students that
attend the chats will receive a gift card for a coffee and pastry from Java City.
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 3-4pm: Navigating Multiple Worlds
Tuesday, March 10, 12-1pm: Sensible Judgment: Negotiating between Family & College
Wednesday, March 18, 3-4pm: Building a Strategic Network of Mentors & Supporters
Thursday, April 16, 12-1pm: The Fear of Going into the Real World
Wednesday, April 22, 3-4pm: Reinventing Oneself while Staying True to Oneself
Friday, May 8, 12-1pm: TBD

*For a description of each of the talks, please visit the ETHN 94 Weebly page and click on the Student
Success Chats page.
CAMP Community Service Requirement Reminder
As a requirement of the CAMP program we are asking that you complete a total of 40 hours of community
service for the academic year. CAMP will provide many volunteer opportunities such as student panels,
campus tours, outreach visits to high schools, etc. CAMP will keep you posted of the various volunteer
opportunities that will be available throughout the next year.
Reflection Papers
Research on Student Clubs and Organizations
Semester Finances and Action Plan Worksheet
Major/Career Search
Leadership Initiative (LI) Reflection Paper
Leadership Initiative (LI) Reflection Video
Final Project

Points Each
Total Semester Points
5 (5pts each x 3 papers)
3 (3pt each x 16 classes)
Total Points Possible: 148

A = 100 94%

B+ = 89 87%

B- = 83 80%

C = 76 74%

D = 69 60%

A- =93 90 %

B = 86 84%

C+ = 79 77%

C- = 73 70%

Below 60% not

passing grade


Introduction to the Course
Review syllabus and class expectations
The Benefits and Pitfalls of Being Involved on Campus
Forest Service: Internship and Employment Opportunities and
Networking Workshop


DUE: Research 3 Clubs/Organizations

(Julissa Gonzalez, Forest Service)


Financial Aid and Financial Literacy

(Announcement: Nicole Poole MSW student)
Major Exploration
(Elizabeth Velasquez, CAMP)


Serna Center Event:

DUE: Semester Finances and Action

Plan Worksheet
DUE: Research 2 Majors/Careers



Astronaut Jos Hernndez: Reaching for the Stars

University Union Ballroom III
Student Tech Center: Video Recording Workshop
(Announcement: Lizary Jones Nursing Project: Migrant
Farmworker Cultural Project)
Hornet Pride Workshop 7: Citizenship

DUE: Reflection paper 1: Serna Center


(Leadership Initiative Staff)


Spring Break: No Class


Hornet Pride Workshop 8: Change

DUE: LI Paper 1: Citizenship

(Leadership Initiative Staff)


CAMP Scholars & Serna Internship

Panel of Various Majors

DUE: LI Two Minute Reflection Video

(Civil/Mechanical/Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Construction

Management; Speech Pathology and Audiology; Recreation, Park and
Leisure Administration, Foreign Language)


Job/Internship Search Strategies/Interview Techniques

(Elizabeth Velasquez, CAMP)


Higher Education Pathways

(Bachelors, Masters, PHD)
Panel of CAMP Second Year Students


Transition from CAMP to Other Campus Services

Video Presentations

DUE: Reflection paper 2: Panel of

Various Majors
DUE: Final Project
DUE: Reflection paper 3: Higher
Education Pathways

Extra Credit Opportunities

Up to 3 events can be attended for extra credit. To receive full extra credit points, students are to write a 2
page reflection paper double-spaced, 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. Each extra
credit opportunities are worth 5 points each.

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