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Universidade Federal do Cear

IsF - MEO 3

Food Engineering
Samira Pereira Moreira
Food Engineer- UFC

December 20th, 2014

Food Science

Food Engineering
Food Technology

Food Science
It is the study of food about the physicochemical
aspects, microbiological, biochemical and
technological, including nutrition, sensory aspects,
marketing, logistics and quality management, from
production to consumption.

Food Technology
Knowledge from the fields of chemistry,
biochemistry, nutrition and pharmacy;

Set of techniques related to manufacturing processes

of plant and animal products;

Food Engeneering
Consist all elements related to the industrialization of
Since the development, manufacture, preservation,
storage, transportation and marketing;
Calculations of industrial processes

liquid oils semi-solid or plastic fats

providing greater stability to oxidation,

improving taste and odor, and
increased product shelf life

Carbonation and decarbonation

1 kg of CO2 released approximately 500 L of gas

Brazil: third largest producer (USA and Mexico)
Water: 88%
low alkalinity
Carbonation gives "life" to the product, enhances the taste and
appearance of the drink.

Its cooling action is associated with the solubility of gases in liquids

decreases with increasing temperature. As the refrigerant is taken
cold, its temperature increases the path that goes from the mouth to
the stomach (Straw, 2005).


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