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Cultural Exclusion of Disabilities


Ultimate Goal
To provide those with disabilities the opportunity to

be involved in cultural experiences, specifically as

going to the movies
We hope to provide awareness to our issue so that
the public can better understand and make a change
Establish an ongoing relationship with our partners
that will keep opportunities for the disabled to
continue to enjoy these experiences

How Do We Intend To Do This?

The Event
We would like to hold a movie showing that is sensory friendly

for the Life Skills students here at Austin High School

What makes it sensory friendly?
1. Lowered volume
2. Lights stay on
3. Smaller screen
4. Ability to talk and get up during the movie
.Why should it be sensory friendly
1. Loud volumes, dimmed lights, etc. sometime frighten or act as
triggers to those with disabilities
2. Sometimes sitting still and staying focused on one things for and
extended period of time is difficult

Partners (Section 1)
We will be partnering with AMC at Barton Creek

Movie Theater
Services Provided:
1. The movie theater
2. An environment that is can be made sensory
3. An ongoing relationship (explained more in a later

Other Services Provided By AMC

AMC will allow us to take a few Life Skills students

through the concessions area and show them the

This would be a fun experience that plays nicely into
the Life Skills program, allowing those students to
understand the workings of a theatre

Ongoing Relationship With AMC

Fortunately, AMC was looking for a way to get more involved with the

We would look to establish a relationship between AMC and AHS Life
Skills. This way the Life Skills program would be able to get something out
of this event. Just as change and advocacy should continue for this issue,
creating a way to continue the opportunity for these cultural experience is
How would we establish this relationship?
1. AMC originally had a weekly showing that was sensor friendly, we hope
to bring this weekly showing back and by having this event we could start
a relationship between the AHS Life Skills program and possibly extend
this relationship to other Austin schools with similar programs
2. We hope to be able to expand this relationship with AMC to other Austin

Partners (Section 2)
We would also partner with the Austin High School

Life Skills Program

By working with these students we are not only
opening the doors to opportunities for those who are
disabled but we are also able to make this change to
better our school in this issue
Spoken to Ronald Griffin in depth about this

The Event Logistics:


Option 1: Life Skills Transportation

AISD accessible busses

2. Built into the Life-Skills Department budget
.Option 2: Public Transportation
1. Beneficial as it provides another real-life
experience and opportunity to interact with the
public at large

Event Logistics Continued (1)


The event will be open to the public but will take place
around 11:30 AM on a week day
2. This is when the theater opens on week days so the crowd
(if any crowd at all) will be small
1. The event would take place in early April
2. Looking at April 4th,5th,6th
1. Cinderella
2. Home

The Event Logistics Continued (2)

AMC can not provide a free screening but can help offset

the price of about 10 tickets

Each viewer would need to pay for their own ticket, we
intend on covering these costs
We would be taking 19 students and about 21
aids/teachers. This makes our total cost around $200
Want around $350 in case more people are added to the
event (aids, teachers, donors, volunteers)
The theater can only hold a limited amount of people so
the event would only be for the AHS Life Skills program

How To Fund This Event?

Fundraising Ideas

Reach out to the friends and family for donations

Sell cookies
Reach out to Randalls to donate treats for the movie

Fundraising Idea #1
Sell Home Made Cookies
For previous events this has worked very well
Sell during lunch time

Advocacy, getting the word out about our cause

2. Reaches out to a younger audience
3. Students are able to contribute directly to our issue
1. Limited advocacy and explanation of our issue

Fundraising Idea #2
Reach out to Randalls
Randalls donates to a lot of organizations that

support those with disabilities

1. Involve the local community
1. Limited advocacy to multiple audiences

Fundraising Idea #3
Reach out to the public (family, friends, etc.) for donations
We have decided to go with this option
We would send out an email or letter explaining our issue and our event
Include link to website for donors to get more involved/Keep them

updated on our progress

Provide donations link through the website
1. Advocacy, getting the word out about our cause
2. Involvement and Interaction, possibly allow donators to come see the
movie as well
1. Mostly reaching out to adults
2. Limited advocacy

How to reach out to a younger audience?

Student Involvement

This is an just an idea

Pop corn popping with the Life Skills class

Concessions are not included in the events cost and

because Life Skills teaches these students life skills
we had the idea to go teach and show them how to
pop pop corn and decorate movie tickets
2. Volunteers would be needed for this activity
.We would offer service ours to volunteers
.Reach out through KAHS announcements, advertise
in classes, etc.

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