Southwest Intro

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Teacher Candidate:

Ashley Swier

Cooperating Teacher: ___Amy Krick

Date:___February 5, 2015______
Coop. Initials

Group Size: _26_ Allotted Time __30 minutes___ Grade Level

Subject or Topic:

Southwest Pretest


Fourth grade


R4.A.2.1.2: Identify and/or interpret the meaning of content-specific words used in text.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The students will be able to compose a regions booklet with the information t
from this chapter with accuracy.

`hey receive

II. Instructional Materials

A. Pretest
B. Writing utensils
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Prerequisite skills
B. Key vocabulary
C. Big idea
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
a. The teacher will tell the students, Today we will be starting a new region called
the Southwest.
b. The teacher will also tell the students, Before we look at states in this region you
will be taking a vocabulary quiz to see what you know before we start this new
B. Development
a. The teacher will have the students go over to the windows and get test dividers.
b. Once the students are ready at their desks, the teacher will pass out a pretest to
each student.
c. The teacher will tell the students that they may begin their tests.
d. Once the students are done they will be instructed to turn in their tests and pick up
their new Southwest states study guide.

e. When all of the students are finished their test, the teacher will begin discussing
the new states that they will be studying.
f. The teacher will introduce the four new states, capitals and abbreviations.
g. After introducing the new states the teacher will hand out a new project.
h. The students will be completing a regions booklet.
i. The teacher will pass out the rubric and explain all of the instructions.
j. The students will be making a Southwest booklet and on each page it will include
the state, capital, abbreviation, and one interesting fact about that state.
k. The students will do that for each of the four different states.
C. Closure
a. The teacher will tell the students that the booklet will be due Monday February 9th
and that they will have the whole weekend to work on it.
b. The teacher will tell the students that their map quiz will either be February 9th or
10th depending on snow.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
a. B.S. The pretest will be placed on Google docs to be completed on the iPad.
- If needed the region booklet can be completed on the iPad.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative The students will complete a pretest and turn it in for review to help
plan and direct the rest of the lessons in this unit.
2. Summative there is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)
Although I knew the pretest would be difficult for the students since they have not seen
these vocabulary words before I thought that they would have done a little better. The
best grade was a 4/13. The rest of the students either got all of the questions wrong or got
a 1/13or 2/13. These were not put into the grade book.
B. Personal Reflection
How did the students respond to the project?
- The students responded well to the project and were eager to begin working on it.
When they turned in their projects only a handful of students did not receive a 100%.

How can I improve this lesson?

- I would like to have more examples of regions booklets fot the students to look at and
refer back to.

Does the pretest need to be changed?

- Yes, I think the pretest need to be changed. Maybe instead of having one big word bank I
think I would break it into sections with a word bank for each section.

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