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2nd Grade

Lesson One: Interpreted Perceptions

Lesson One
Interpreted Perceptions

Goals & Rationale

Sensory perception is the state of perceiving ones

surroundings based on the identification,

organization and interpretation of ones senses. In
this lesson, students will all be apart of a
classroom celebration.
As apart of the same celebratory experience,

students will compare and contrast the sensory

elements they included in their artwork that
represents their classroom experience
This lesson focuses on the students own

interpretations of the same celebration that is

taking place

Bid Ideas
interpretation of sensory information to

understand and represent surroundings

students will continue their investigation

of sensory perceptions, specifically their

personal interpretations of a special class

How do our senses help us understand our surroundings?
Do we all interpret our surroundings in the same way?
How do we represent sensory perceptions in art?
How do artists interpret their perceptions in their art making?
How do artists use sensory elements in art to create meaning?
Can one artwork have multiple interpretations?
Can individuals perceive the same event differently? Can

artists create a work that forces individuals to see something

the same way?
Do you rely on one sense more then others? Does this create a

certain perception?

Key Concepts
Art is meaning making.
Art communicates interpretations of events.
Art can have multiple interpretations.
Depending on an artists or viewers

perspective, multiple interpretations can exist.

The same event can be perceived and

interpreted in many ways.

Artists can use their sensory perceptions to

creating meaning in art.

Day One
VTS segment of work from Claude Monet
discuss subject matter, sensory elements,

foreground/background imagery, interpretation and

perspective and use of color.

Day One Continued

Classroom Celebration
Artist Journals Prompts:
During our classroom celebration

I heard:

I smelled:

I felt:

I saw:

I tasted

My favorite part of the celebration was


Day Two-Three
Painted Words by Aliki
discussion of how Marianthe was able

to communicate and tell her story to

her class, although she could not
speak her language.
(Sketch Phase) Students will be asked

to draw a portrait of themselves in

the moment of our class celebration.
In action, involving sensory elements

Day three is devoted to art making.

Lesson Two
Personal Celebrations

Goals & Rationale

The goal of this lesson is for students to

reflect on a memory or celebration they

have personally been a part of in the past,
and using sensory elements, allow us to
be apart of that experience
Their personal celebration will include

many elements of the previous lesson, but

incorporate new aspects. Students will be
asked to include three-dimensional
elements of mixed media

Bid Ideas
interpretation of sensory information to

understand and represent surroundings

students will continue their investigation

of sensory perceptions, specifically their

personal interpretations of a special class
Verbally communicate about artwork

Essential Questions
How do our senses help us understand our

How do we represent sensory perceptions in art?
How do artists use sensory elements in art to

create meaning?
Are personal experiences more meaningful?
How can we make personal experiences meaningful

to others?
Do you rely on one sense more then others? Does

this create a certain perception?

Key Concepts
Art is meaning making.
Art can come from memory.
Memory allows artists to put meaning to work.
Art communicates interpretations of events.
Artists can use their sensory perceptions to

creating meaning in art.

By the use of sensory elements, artists can

share an experience to others through artwork.

Day One
Discuss what defines a celebration
Brainstorm Celebrations
Art Journal Prompts
My favorite celebration was:
This celebration was special to me

This made me feel _____ because:
During this celebration

I heard, smelled, felt, saw, tasted:

My favorite part of the celebration was:

Day Two
Freeze Like a Popsicle!
Students will be asked to go back to their

seats and draw a sketch of their

celebration. This sketch is supposed to
capture a frozen moment during this
Geoges Seurat: Sunday Afternoon on the

Island of Grand Jatte

Day Three-Five
Day Three: Art making
Day Four: Art making/Interviews
Day Five: Interviews/Invitations

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