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Lesson Plan Format: Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House

Teacher__Ms. Boone________________________

Grade Level___2nd___________

Content and Standards: Standards for this lesson are aligned with the content, the
text and materials.
CC.1.2.2.B: Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and
how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


Prerequisites: State the understanding and knowledge that is necessary for this
Must be able to read grade level text.
Must be familiar with reading questions and going back into the text to find answers.


Essential Questions (provide a framework)

How do I use questioning to demonstrate that I understand the key details in a text
(what I read)?


Instructional Objective: Indicate what is to be learned and what you will teach- this
must be a complete objective. Write this objective in terms of what an individual
student will do.
Students will be able to ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where,
why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


Instructional Procedures: BDA Description of what you will do in teaching the

lesson, and, as appropriate, includes a description of how you will introduce the
lesson to the students (Before), what actual instructional techniques you will use
(During), and how you will bring closure to the lesson (After). Include what specific
things students will actually do during the lesson. In most cases, you will provide
some sort of summary for the students.

The teacher will begin by doing the word work book. The word is candles. Next the
teacher will tell the students they are going to start reading a book called, Cam
Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House. She will let them know they will read
one chapter each day and then answer questions that pertain to that chapter. If the
chapter allows the teacher will have a who, what, when, where, why, and how
question for each chapter. The teacher will pass out the book. The teacher will have
the students look at the cover. The teacher will ask the students if they know what the
genre is. The teacher will ask the students what they see on the cover. The teacher
will ask who they think the book may be about, what they think is going on, where
they think the story takes place, why they think this is going to happen, or why they
think the book is about. The teacher will ask the students what the cover makes them
wonder about the book. The teacher will have the students flip through the book to
look at the few pictures that are in the book to see if they get an idea of what may be
happening in the book. The teacher will pass out the packet that has the questions in it
for each chapter. She will go over the questions for chapter one so students know
what they are looking for while they are reading. The teacher will then have the
students read chapter one. After the students are done reading chapter one they will
go over the questions together. The teacher will write the answer on the board for
everyone to see and to write down. The students will continue reading and answering
questions until they finish the book. They will read one chapter a day.

Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by both the
teacher and learner and how they will be used.
Word work-cookie sheet, magnetic letters, Book: Making words by Cunningham &
Pencil for writing
Chapter questions for students to fill out
Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House


Assessment/Evaluation: Describe how you will determine the extent to which

students have attained the instructional objective. Be sure this part is directly
connected to the behavior called for in the instructional objective. Include rubric
Teacher observation
Chapter questions
Discussion-refer to highlighted questions in Level M guided reading goal folder
Asking students individual questions on what they are reading

VIII. VII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities: Indicate how other

activities/materials will be used to reinforce and extend this lesson and for whom.
Include homework, assignments, and projects.
Jasmine-proximity-listen to her read so you know shes doing what is assigned. Read
Naturally, review module words.
Garrett-frequent redirection, Read Naturally.
Grace-remind to read smoothly, Read Naturally.

Technology: Describe which technology will be incorporated and describe how

technology will assist learning.
Not incorporated into the lesson, but Read Naturally uses CD player and is available
on computer.


Self-Assessment Determine here how you plan to collect information that will be
useful for planning future lessons. A good idea is to analyze the difference between
what you wanted (the objective) and what was attained (the results of the assessment).
Performance on chapter questions

Performance on word work activity will drive future instruction

Noting ease/or difficulty in manipulating sounds in words

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