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Joey Ferguson

24 February 2015

1) Cambodia
2) Research and calculations
a. Facts about Cambodia
i. Total population: 15,458,332
ii. Male to female ratio: 0.94 males/1 female
iii. CBR: 24.4
iv. CDR: 7.78
v. RNI: 1.8%
vi. Rate of population growth: 1.63%
vii. IMR: 33
viii. CMR: 38
ix. Total life expectancy: 63.78
x. Male life expectancy: 61.35
xi. Female life expectancy: 66.32
xii. TFR: 2.66 children/woman
xiii. GDP per capita: $1,006.84 USD
xiv. Total literacy rate: 73.9%
xv. Male literacy rate: 82.8%
xvi. Female literacy rate: 65.9%
xvii. Population of five largest cities: Phnom Penh 1,573,544; Takeo
843,931; Kampong Saom 156,691; Battambang 150,444;
Siem Reap 139,458
xviii. Percent under age 15: 31.6%
xix. Percent over age 65: 4%
xx. Percent urban population: 20%
xxi. Population density: 84.71/sq. km
xxii. Physiological density: 86/sq. km
xxiii. Top three causes of death: Lower-respiratory infection, ischemic
heart disease, stroke
b. 2000


Joey Ferguson

24 February 2015



c. Cambodia is in stage three of the demographic transition. They have

surpassed many of the very underdeveloped countries because their
Total Fertility Rate is 2.66, which is starting to approach the cutoff of
2.5 to enter stage four. This is not surprising, though, because only a
select few have reached stage four, and those are considered the most
developed in the world. Additionally, their life expectancy isnt very
high, as well as their GDP per capita, so one wouldnt expect them to
be in stage four.
d. Age dependency ratio: 57

Joey Ferguson

24 February 2015

e. They are over replacement fertility, so they will keep growing for a
while. The population of Cambodia will stop growing in approximately
3) Questions:
a. Cambodia has an average population density similar to that of Greece
and Ukraine. There are 121 other countries with a higher population
density than Cambodia, so it is safe to say that Cambodia is not
overpopulated as a country. However, there are certain cities that
struggle with this problem, including Phnom Penh which has 1,573,544
people and Takeo with a population of 843,931. Other than these two
cities, Cambodia is fairly average when it comes to population density.
b. Cambodia is a pro-natalist country, but not too extreme of one. Since
they are approaching stage four of the demographic transition, they
are somewhat nearing their maximum population. They do, however,
encourage birth spacing for mothers to prevent the population from
growing too quickly and to protect mothers and children, whom have a
high mortality rate.
c. The total literacy rate in Cambodia is 73.9%, and they are trying to
improve this number with better school systems for children and more
options to go to a university. A large part of this number being so low is
that education was horrible in the mid 1900s, so a lot of the population
never had a chance to learn how to read and write in the first place.
Secondly, they are trying to solve their leading cause of death, lower
respiratory infection, by implementing new medical technologies from
other countries.
e. Cambodia has a net migration rate of -2.3 per 1000 people, meaning
more people emigrate from Cambodia than immigrate to Cambodia.

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