China Rachel

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This source is valuable because this site provides more than the
basic demographics on Chinas culture. With in depth detail on each of
these topics listed a user viewing this source can jump into the Chinese
culture without physically being there. Even the basic questions
regarding Chinas subcultures like Chinas national anthem or their
national holidays are all listed and explained on how they tie into and
make up Chinas culture as a whole.
The info that can be found on this site is information regarding
the formal name, capital, national flag, political figures, holidays,
population, climate, geography, population density, religion,
languages, military, land size, population ethnicity, economy and the
countries that border China. Each of these topics that the site
discusses are precise information that are vital to understanding the
culture of this country.
This source is valuable because it expresses each aspect of
Chinas culture universals. Each of these elements provides to users
multiple paragraphs of information and sources that are implemented
into the research that is being discussed. Thus, this source also
provides to us users, secondary links to click on in order to better
understand the cultural element that is being talked about. Also, as
Chinese terms are being discussed within this site, users may also click
on these specific terms if they do not understand what the Chinese
words that are being used. As this site offers more than just the basic
demographic information but thorough research and outside sources
that are used on this site.
The info that can be found on this site is cultural universal
elements such as religion, language, food and the arts. Secondly, this
site provides information regarding their customs and traditions. Such
include information on the Chinese lunar New Year, food festivities and
their rituals such as Chinese Independence Day.

This map shows many world religions that are worshiped. As it
also shows two major religions that take part in China. Such are,

Mahayana Buddhism and Confucianism Taoism Buddhism. What I want

someone to know about this map is the idea that all over the world
there are many religion but each country has a majority of religions
that are worshipped which makes each specific country unique and
cultured in there own way. Looking at China you can see that Buddhism
is the main religion but within Buddhism there is different types of
Buddhism that alter the beliefs and cultural assumptions of the
specified type of Buddhism religion. The cultural element it supports
the belief system of religion. This map connects to the culture of China
by Chinas having multi religion values, but there are also the majority
of two major religions that are worshipped. Even though China form of
government is communism, they still have the right to believe in any
religion that they desire. As these two main religions embark two of
Chinas three teachings religious framework that make up Chinas
APA Citation: World Religions. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015,
from religions.jpg

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