Test Paper 5: Put The Verbs Into Past Tense Simple or Past Tense Continuous

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Put the verbs into past tense simple or past tense continuous:
Levi Strauss _____________LIVE with his family on the eastern coast of America when, like many other
Americans, he ____________CATCH California gold fever in 1849. To raise money for the voyage he
________________SELL cloth from his brothers shop. When he ____________GET to San Francisco,
one of the first people he ______________MEET was a miner who __________ASK if they had brought
any pants with them from where they ______________COME. As he _______________LISTEN to the
miner explaining that gold seekers quickly _____________WEAR out their trousers, Strauss
_____________SEE a need. So he ______________MAKE pants out of his tough canvas. They
______________BECOME as profitable as finding gold and they were called Levis. Still, Levis
_______________NOT REMAIN a uniform only for those who _______________SEEK gold. The gold
______________RUN out. But during the 1860s people _____________BRING news of the Levis to
Texas. There, the cowboys who ______________WORK as hard as miners _____________FIND the pants
solid and comfortable as well. And that ____________CHANGE the clothing habits of the whole country.
By the early part of the 20 th century more and more people ___________MOVE to the cities. Still, the
cowboy ______________BECOME the great American hero. He featured in books, magazines, movies and
finally in television. As he ________________BECOME a legend, so ___________DO the clothes he
______________WEAR . So by the middle of the century, everybody _______________WEAR them from
children to movie stars and the president of the United States.


Put the verbs in the present perfect simple or the past tense simple:
Diana first ____________MEET Mark three years ago.
They _____________BE friends for a long time.
Last summer they _____________AGREE to get married, but they ___________CAN NOT decide
When Diana ____________SEE that Mark ___________BE afraid to get married, she
_____________THINK of a trick.
She just_____________PHONE Marks parents to ask for their help.
Now Dianas and Marks parents and friends____________BE in the church since 10 oclock.
At last, Mark _______________UNDERSTAND whose wedding it was.
I ____________NOT WATCH TV last night.


Put the verbs in the past tense or the past perfect:

Mike _____________MISS the train yesterday because he _____________GET UP too late.
When Nick ______________ARRIVE the stadium, the match________already___________START.
After the rain ____________START, the children _______________GO home.
By that time mother ______________COOK dinner.
John ______________TURN the corner when he _____________HEAR a strange noise.


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