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Lecturers effort to help student avoid doing plagiarism in English department (Fitri
Nuraini: 2012)
This study aimed at identifying lecturers effort to help student avoid doing plagiarism in
English department (ED) (aim of study). This study employed descriptive study, involving 20
ED lectures. Data were collected by means of questionnaire and interview in reference to
literature review related to the ways to help students avoid doing plagiarism (methodology).
Consistent with the purpose of the study, the data collected were analyzed and classified into four
categories: informing students, setting assignment, detecting plagiarism, and dealing with
plagiarism. Finding reveals that most lecturers in English department (89,5%) admitted to do
effort to help student avoid doing plagiarism (Results). Of those efforts, all lecturers (100%)
admitted to inform students about plagiarism and set variation assignment to minimize the
possibility of plagiarism practices. In terms of detecting plagiarism, 80% lecturers admitted to
detect plagiarism in the students works. In dealing with plagiarism, 78% lecturers admitted to
deal with plagiarism by giving a number of sanctions to the plagiarists (Conclusions)

Simple present tense

Simple past tense

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