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Mustafa Munir

History of the Subcontinent

February 14th, 2015

India/Pakistan Partition BBC

The purpose of this documentary was to show the events that
took place when two different states formed, India and Pakistan in
1947. This happened once the British had left. This happened
because Muslims could not live with Indians and wanted a different
state. During this process of forming a new state there was a lot
violence. This documentary also shows the things that took place
during the formation of the new state.
I already have some knowledge on this topic. While growing
up I have read about it in history textbooks and I have also heard
about it from my grandparents. The massacre was a big surprise to
me because if both the groups wanted different nations they could
have peacefully let each of them get divided up, but the Muslims
wanting a different nation wasnt that big of a surprise to me.
This documentary mainly talks about the partition that
occurred in 1947. It tells us about all the cruel things that took place
while the partition occurred. People (Indians) were forced against
their will they were forced to move. Many people were brutally hurt;
most of these people who were hurt brutally were women. The
peoples homes were destroyed; their personal belongings were also
taken away.
These videos had many primary sources. They had interviews
of people who were actually present at that time. These interviews
give a better perspective of the situation that occurred in 1947 and
they are also a better source. They interviewed some British soldiers
who were present at that time, Lord Mountbattens daughter, and
some other personal experiences of people. This information was
more reliable and you wont be able to find it anywhere else.
I liked the part when the 9th Gurker regiment was supposed to
take the migrants from point A to point B. Making a new nation
(Pakistan) wasnt an easy thing to do. The people had to cross many
obstacles to do so. There were many conflicts in the process too,
which nearly killed 1 million people. Truly the Muslims couldnt live
together and needed a separate nation to live in peace. This
documentary covered everything from the bad things to the good.
Who ever wants to know about the partition that occurred in 1947
should watch this documentary, I strongly suggest this.

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