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What would you like to gain from the Global UGrad Program and how do

you think participating in the UGrad will affect your future?

Every person overcomes life obstacles because he has his goals to pursue,
and dreams to realize. These things motivate us, giving us the necessary strength
to put one foot in front of the other as we run through this maze called life. As for
me, I have always been motivated to pursue excellence in all aspects possible
because I believe everything I do in this stage of my life is a preparation, a
determining factor, for the next. Having the kind of goals I have now, I find it crucial
for me to gain the best education today (through Global U-Grad) in order to be an
effective educator and an integral part of the society in the near future.
It is my goal for myself to be exposed to as much learning activities as
possible to develop the multiple intelligences in me. As I have pursued things
outside the classroom that would teach me important principles that the traditional
four walls could not teach me, so I pursue Global U-Grad now. Aside from the
academic advantages, I believe this scholarship will give me something important
that I would not get elsewhere: unique, meaningful experience. This would be a rare
opportunity to mingle with various people having different views and upbringing
from mine. Because of the exposure to such diversity, I know that my interpersonal
intelligence and awareness on cultural differences would be greatly improved,
making me a person who understands and appreciates individual differences. This,
in return, would make me into a better teacher, able to relate more to every
students uniqueness when I get to handle classes of my own.
Besides the development of interpersonal skills, however, I see this program
as an avenue to further develop my independence and to gain my self-identity.
Because I would be stepping out of the shadows of my comfort zone, I would be
facing instances that would call for my discernment. This would give me the room
for further enhancing my capabilities in decision-making, which is an attribute
crucial in being an educator. Also, in the midst of finding out about other peoples
uniqueness, I would be able to see for myself what makes me extraordinary as well.
While appreciating others unique identity, I also get to appreciate what makes me
and my culture remarkable. As an end result, I see that through Global U-Grad I
would be a far better leader than I am now, strengthened in making decisions, and
with an established self-image.
The pursuit of excellence, however, does not just end in being an outstanding
student and leader. This is because, ultimately, my goal is to be a remarkable
educator who would influence other peoples lives for the better. I want to teach my
students to be both critical and creative thinkers, giving importance to logic and
principles while appreciating art. Attending to the holistic development of these
individuals and creating balanced leaders out of them is the initial step to having a
better society. Moreover, I would be able to do that when I get to relate and connect
more to my students by understanding their differences. Like that single domino

piece that would eventually touch all the others, I want to be that person who, after
being improved and developed by various and meaningful experiences, would
contribute significant progress to the society, starting by causing improvement to
the immediate people around me until my sphere of influence grows. It has always
been my aim, after all, to pay forward what I have received.

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