Pushkara Navamsa

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Pushlara: Naversha and Bhaga Konia Sutton Vacie Astrology Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga Pushkara Part Two ‘and kare means who does or what causes. So pushkars navanssha nourishes the qualty of the planet Puhskara Part one spedalanergy that connection to puntfiation of Pushkars navamshas are special navarrshes that enhance the quality ofthe plonet. Pushkara bhagas past es can be washed af are special degrees, which bring go0d lick and auspicious energy tothe char: Push means to nourish Whe the vers are sacred ‘and kars means who does or what causes. So pushkers navamsha nourishes the qualty ofthe planet allte time, there 6 special placed within, This con take the qualty ofthe plant rom ordinary to extra-ordnary, Pushkara are not times when they are siven in many texts. They form the secret part of Med astrology in which when you dg deep: you come ‘energsed wth divine eneroy amateurs could fl, Chandra Kala Nadi, take Parkate hove 9 few shbkas that mention them. read Inthem...more about Pushkara in C'S Patels book Navamsha and Nadi Astrology, Jataks Parkte and Chandra Kale Nod, but the Fal analysis is my own research and experience, Pushicara Navamsha Navamshe Is the most important varga. Planet pastions in thelr navamsha tal decide whetner they are strong or weak nthe chat. Do they feel supporte or not. Therefore Pushkara navamshas become very important, They are spect areas in charts that nourlsh which give plane jenerate themselves, This spacal navamsha allow tne personaly to Nourish, Regardless of the the planet, ts qualtes become replenished. Its always the navamsha ruled by te same sn within the same elements that become pushkara station of Pushkara Navamshe Table by Signs and Elements loments Signs FIRE Aries, Leo, Sagittarius EARTH Taurus, Vigo, Caprcom [AIR Gemini, Libra, Aquarius WATER Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces \While there are two Pushkara in each sign they donot fallin Aves, Gemini, Leo, Scorple,Caprinen, and Aquarius navamsha, These navamshas can be taken as poi Pushkara Degr 26 de to 20 deo 00 06 deg 40 to 10 dea 00 13 deg 20 t0 16 deo 40 16 dog 40 t0 20 deg 00, 00 dee ote 03 dea 20 06 deg 40 to 10 deg 00 1ay the table Below for further carfeaton Pushiera Navamsha sagitarus Vigo of personal developmont, where Individual leans from thelr own mistakes, Ares, Gein, Leo and Aquarius are male signs and thelr navamsha may use up allthe energy avallableto them not try to regenerate the planetary qualtes, the capacty to healand Book Recommendation ‘The Essentials of Vedic Astrology Koma Sutton Komile's book, "he Exsentils of Vecl Astrology," denvystfies many ofthe fundamental concepts of Vedi astrology and brags areas lke the Nakshatras, the Gunas, and the Karmic sues we face nto the realm ofthe beginner forte frst time. IIs written especialy vith new students in ming, wth clear exolanatons at ‘every stage; Korlla also shows how the soance of 2yotish brings much deeper meaning to our chars, ane hence our ves here on earth, Scorpio and Capricom are female sins but these are complex areas within signs, Scorpio creates sudden itpihwntoila. compagesiibrarypushlara_parttwo.cim 7 ‘vas20%4 Pushlara: Nawersha ard Bhaga = Korilla Suton: Vedic Ast logy \eanstormetion and Capricom makes plenet feel very burdened, even they are well placed. As Capricom ‘The Essent of Vedic rakes us face up to our karmic responsbilties end therefore we are not able to nurture the soul Astrology i far more than just another astrology book planets are placed in these navamshas,k shoul not be taken as minus points, What needs to be 4s wellas an introduction for Understood that these planets have tobe self motivated, the job inthis Ie uses up some ofthe Westerners to the rch positive energy saved from previous ves, and therefore pushkara does not nourish them. That may not spietuaty of tis Tain be negative, just the way fei, Not everything can be saved up or nurtured, But By being amare of trediion, Rwalatee De of these qualtes, we can make sure that we earn to nourish them through our actions, Interest to those studying the philosophy of the Vedas, Pushkare navamsha con be csshied through nakshatras padas 2s follows Nrunnde nea oe Ketu Nakshatres (Ashwini, Magha, and Mula) do not have any pushkara navamsha, 22 53rd pad (Libra) of Venus nakshatras- Bhavani, Purve Phalgun Purve Ashadha 1st pada, Sagitarus ane 4th paca, Pisces of Sum nakshatra Katka, Uttara Phelgun, Utara Ashech 2nd pada Tauris of Hoon nakshatras- Roh, Hasta, Shravane Wars (Mrigasa, Chita, and Dhanishta) do not have any pushkara navamsha. ‘th pada Pisces of Rahu nakshatra- Avra, Swat and Shatabhishak 2nd pads (Taurus) and ath pade (Cancet of upter nekshetras- Punsrvasu, Vshathe, Purve Bhada 2nd pads (Virgo) of Saturn nakshatrs- Pushy, Anuredha, Utara Ohedra Mercury (Ashiesha,Jyeshta, and Reva) do not heve ony pushkara naversh Ketu nakshatra are beginning stages forthe developmant for the soul. These stages can be very intense and therefore personal efor and the struggle ofthe soulto ve a materal fe is ther. In Ketu nakshatras, the soul taking 9 new step ints development, so & uses up some af ts accumulates nourshment, So while they are aspinng for moksha, their very action depletes ther calected good karma 4 planets Andi fcuk to find nourshment n these circumstances, That does not make wrong or ng weakness but pusnkare cannot thrive, The soul cannot change the stuation and nts pursul for "next level of development, they have to use up some oftheir equity. It's Ike taking a ean for 'sent development, which wil rng future rewarés. But the present willmake them feel burdened 1 nakshatra are beglanng stages for the davelopmant forthe soul. These stages canbe vary Intense 4 therefore personal efor and the struggle ofthe soulto Wve a material fe is there. In Ketu ‘shatras, the souls taking @ new step ints development, 0 £ uses up same of ts accumulated 4rshmant, So while they are aspiring for moksha, thelr very action depletes ther collected good karma 4 planets tnd ie ifcu to find nourshment in these cumstances. Tat does nat make wrong or bring weakness but pusnkare cannot ttvve, The soul cannot change the stuatlon and ins pursu for tre next level of development, they have te use up some of their equity ts Ike taking @ ban for present develonment, which wil bring future rewarcs. Sut the present wil make them fel burdened Mercury nakshatras are areas of transformation where the debris of allsouts negativty gets colected, ‘he Soul struggles to make the changes, the mind is active iying to make sense of thal creumstances, “The planets strugle to transcend, therefore there fs no calmness anc stlness provided by Pushkara, Planets use up thei energy and do net abways fel nourishes, ‘The pushkara navarrshes throw up some interesting points. The rleships of the navamsha are by benefe planets. upter and Venus ruler nine pushara each, ane i fre, earth and airelements, whereas Moon and Mercury rule one each i Water elements. Water sighs are known a moxshe houses a8 well Moksha houses are about selfeelisaion and the ruleship of Moon and Mercury: the wo planets of the ming shoulé that we have te nourish our mind before we can aspire to realise ourselves. Another way of looking at ti that a nourished and quiet mind helps us to go towards sel-reatzation. ‘The plnets that are not placed in pushkara nees to be energized, a5 they do nat have the capacty to nourish themsebes, Pushiara Bhaga Pushkare bhaga are spectic degrees where planets become especaly auspidaus to do good. The exact ‘degree is becomes very powertl agent for being postive, whereas the navamsha i stil powerful but nat 2s intense as the degree. Pushlare degrees are used or Munurta. Choosing the muhurta lagna on @ pushkara bhaga makes that a very auspicous moment. Dateka Palate: Adhyaya 1 Shbks 58 gles the following degrees: 21° fees (Libr Nevamrsha) 19° Leo (virgo navamsha) 230 Sagtearius (Libra Novarsha) “Those three in Venus nakshatras and Fie signs hitpihwnoila.compagesiibrarypushlara_parttwo.cim 26 ‘vas20%4 Pushlara: Nawersha ard Bhaga = Korilla Suton: Vedic Ast logy 14° Taurus (Taurus navamsha and vargatamme- Moon nokshatrs), 5° Vege (Pisces navamsaha- Sun nakshatr), 14° Capricorn (Taurus Navarsshe- Moon nakshatra) ‘Above Three in Earth signs 18° Gemini Pisces navarnsha- Rahu nakshato}, 24° Libro (Taurus Navamsha liter nakshatr), 19° Aquarius (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu nakshatra) Above thre in A sins 8° Cancer (Virgo Navamsha) 41° Scorpio (Ura Navara}, 99 Pisces (Virgo Navamsha) [Above three in Satum nakshatras and Water signs Pushkara degrees glven by CS Patelin his book Nacl and Navamsha astrology are 210 of Fre signs: 21° Aves, 21° Leo, and 21° Sagittarius (Venus nakshatres) 149 n Ceth signs: 169 Taurus, 14° Virgo, ond 14° Capreacn (Moon nokshotras) 24° in ir signs: 24° Gemini, 24° Libre, and 24° Aquarus (Duper Nokshetras) 79 in Water signs: 78 Cancer, 79 Searpo, 7° Pisces (Saturn nakshatras) According tothe CS Patel, Bagas are not found in Ket, Sun, Mars, Rah and Mercury nakshetras while Datoka Pariata has pushkara bhage in Rahy and Sun nakshatras but notin Kety, Mars and Mercury nokshotras Mostly the taka Parjata pushkara bhaga degrees are used. Lam also using Jataka Pariata bhagas as Iealves thase actual degrees in the text. Pls it resonates with my research 1 nave been infomved by one of hs students that CS Pates information Is fom Purva Kalama. Do research both sets of dagrees and come up with your awa conclislons How to use Pushkara Bhage and Navamsha Dateka Pariata says that pushkara should be used in muhurt, natal and eny other factor under cansideration. Other factors under consideration are in prashne and meybe relationship compat. Muturta: There are 24 pushkara navarrsha and 12 pushkara therefore every houra pushkara navarrsha ‘ses and every two hours a pushkara degree rises, Therefore when you need to fod an auspicous te In a hurry you ean chose a pushkara navamsha ora pushkara degree. Some degrees refect both the ravameha and degree of pusnkara, In Taurus, the pushkara naversha and the degree are vergotamma; therefore that particular postion is extremely strong, Genevoly when phnning a muhurta, would be 4004 to choose a pushkara degree or ravamsha rising. Tis protects the chart and gives t 2 benefic ‘wally, To have the benef planets, lagna lord, eh ord, Sth lord as wellas the lord ofthe house for Which you are performing the muhurta (20th career, th- nome) tobe in pushkara navarshe wil further fortty the char Natal: Remember pushlara is added on knowledge. You should analyse the chart by all raditional methods and then study the chart to see whether any planets are placed n pushkars bhaga or navamsha. Ifa chart does not appear te have any great strength but thas ascendant in pushkars bbhaga and 10th led in pushiara degree, the quality of the Is chart changes and your analysis willbe Afferent. The char is showing extra orsinary strength with beth the lagna and 10th led fortes. Pushkars wiring strenath tothe chart, nouns faerie has used up some of ts enerny. The Individual ray not immediately gain the strength, Sut s guded through these auspiceus degrees to work with ‘hair issues, accept them and learn te overcome them. Planet nan exact degree is stronger than the bhaga so the qualty willbe mare intense. tf you have Sun exalted n 219 Ares, £5 In pushkara navamsha and bhaga. But this also the debitated navamsa of the Sun. Sun debitated by navamsha shows nidden lack of eanfencs, need for suppor af ethers, and tow seifesteem. The weakness indicated by the Sun ints debilated navamsa is being over~dden by the fact that the Sun is pusnkara both in navamsa and bhaga. Therefore an individual may experience some weaknesses ofthis debiltation, But they are qulcly able to overcome t and make the Sun, ts karokas, house rulerships ete postive. Low esteem willbe there but the person learn confience, pushkara wit make them feel strong instead of weak. ‘texts say lagna, lagna lord, and 10th lords in Pushiara gives great strength and good luck te the bith chart. In my experience, the more planets in pushkara, the stronger the chart. The lagna i @ pushke degree or navamsha brings fortune end success. I the lord of& House is placed 9 pushkare or the bhava Madhya ofthe house i placed in pushkara, this strengthens and makes ita force te do goad. Pushkare imparts sweetness tothe char that brings in higher qualities of goodness, spiitual esprations and “Those who have the rajeyoga Karaka in pushkars or thelr yogas taking pce in pushkare, they are specslly blessed. This enhances an slready strong postion to something sublime. hitpihwnoila.compagesiibrarypushlara_parttwo.cim 34 ‘vaso Pushlara: Nawersha ard Bhaga = Korilla Suton: Vedic Ast logy Also watch when planets go into their pushkara postions by trans. In une 2005, many planets upker, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Satur, Sun while as Iwrte this ate (23 hly2005) only Satu and Sun are pushkara in 6° Cancer. But Saturn is combust and Satur is spoiling Sun, Therefore the ablty ofthese planets to do goods lted, But their being in pushkara poston, t suggests that despte their limitations and the pain that this conjunction has generated is there, but also there Is hope and capacty for imoroverent, rash Ifthe prashna ascendant falls in pushiara or the karaka fallin pushkara, there willbe a good fending. Lets suppose the question was about auying a new home. 4th ers Mercury and is place in the 8th house in Taurus navamsha in Libra. The immediate answer woulé be that there is cficuty in buying the house. But tis is @ pustkara navamsha; therefore there are some underting factors that will ‘make this negatve aspect postive. I: may be that net buying the house saved you roma bg loss or there may be @ better property anead so nat Suying this sroperty willbe fer your good in the ong run. Relationships: Venus, the karaka of relatonships I placed In 149 Virgo. Now Venus in Vigo would Uusvaly create probleme with relationships but the pushkara aspect wil nourish Venus, make supported and that would have good eftec for relationships Your lagna lord ls pusnkara in your partners chart or vie versa means that you have nourish your partners. The karakas Venus and Jupterin pushiara degrees help make partnerships good. 1a woman has pier in pushkara, then she wil experience goad partners and chicren. A pushiara Venus gives nourshing relationships rome Suttons hitpihwnoila.compagesiibrarypushlara_parttwo.cim 44

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