DR Archana Bhatnagar - Infuluence of Environmental Parameter

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Dr. Archana Bhatnagar
Prof &HOD-Resource Management Department
S.N.D.T.Womens University
Email: archbhatnagar@yahoo.co.uk

The scientific study of MAN MACHINE ENVIRONMENT (MMEsystems) in relation to work performance is called
ERGONOMICS. The main focus is to improve work productivity
with emphasis on promotion of health, wellbeing and safety of
Human life and work are inconceivable without an environment.
This environment can be Physical, Chemical, Biological, and
Psychological and social which play an important role in the
normal functioning of the human being.
The role of Physical environment in condition of work life is
often underestimated. Considering the importance of physical
environment ILO (1974) unanimously adopted a resolution
concerning the working environment which called for
comprehensive and intensive approach to the problems and
health concerns besides poor work productivity of workers.
Hence different groups of scientists started the research on
different aspect of environment. The compilation of research
proved that work productivity of workers was directly
influenced, by the environment in which they worked.

So to understand the role of Physical work environment which

compromises of many factors like Heat & Cold environment,
Ventilation, Thermal Temperature, Air pollution, Noise pollution,
Radiation, and Illumination Levels.
Activity 1. Divide all participants into 4 groups. Ask them to
take up topics of physical environment and list down 8-10
occupations in which the worker is compelled to work in those
working conditions(10mins). Follow it by group sharing. (Need
chart papers, pens, and clip board).
Now take each topic and discussHEAT & COLD, VENTILATION, THERMAL COMFORTVentilation which is component of physical environment plays
important role in maintaining indoor climate comfortable. A
workplace air can be altered or contaminated due to dust and
smells, water vapour, heat given off into the air due to source
of fuel used, production of CARBON DI- OXIDE and REDUCTION
in OXYGEN, contamination
with bacteria & viruses,
contamination from outside air coming in. It gives relief and
provides comfort to people, especially during work in warm
climate. However in industries and outdoor work comfortable
conditions cannot be maintained. It directly has a impact on
physiological stress and stain causing discomfort.( Saha 1991).
The aim of proper ventilation should be to keep occupants cool,
give comfort and reduce the concentration of air by air
cleaners, and better flow/ air movement. Temperature Regulation of
the Human Body

The human body has the remarkable capacity for regulating

its core temperature somewhere between 98F and 100F
when the ambient temperature is between approximately
68F and 130F according to Guyton. This presumes a nude
body and dry air.
The external heat transfer mechanisms
areradiation, conduction and convection andevaporation of
perspiration. The process is far more than the passive
operation of these heat transfer mechanisms, however. The

body takes a very active role in temperature regulation.

The temperature of the body is regulated by neural feedback mechanisms which

operate primarily through the hypothalmus. The hypothalmus contains not only the
control mechanisms, but also the key temperature sensors. Under control of these
mechanisms, sweating begins almost precisely at a skin temperature of 37C and
increases rapidly as the skin temperature rises above this value. The heat
production of the body under these conditions remains almost constant as the skin
temperature rises. If the skin temperature drops below 37C a variety of responses
are initiated to conserve the heat in the body and to increase heat production. These
Vasoconstriction to decrease the flow of heat to the skin.
Cessation of sweating.
Shivering to increase heat production in the muscles.
Secretion of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and thyroxine to
increase heat production
In lower animals, the erection of the hairs and fur to increase

The functioning of body thermo regulatory systems is essential

to maintain the body temperature and realise the body heat
due to active metabolism due to heavy physical work.
Factors Affecting Thermal Comfort- Both Climatic and Non
climatic Aspect influences the heat production. Under Climatic
we have- Air Temperature, Humidity, Radiant temperature, and
Air movement. The Non climatic aspect are-Age , sex, body
build, physical fitness, ethnic difference, acclimatization,
clothing, level of physical Activity.
Let us take Air Temperature- If air temperature is low than
body temperature which is higher than the Heat flow will be
from the body to the atmosphere.

If air temperature is higher

than the body temperature then body then body absorbs heat
from the atmosphere.
When the air temperature and body temperature have very
little difference then minimum heat exchange takes place.
Ideal variation in temperature is 19.4-22.8 C for light or
sedentary worker.
In case the worker is involved in heavy muscle work then air
temperature should be 12.8-15.6 C is suitable range.
The air temperature should be lower the worker is exposed to
sources of radiant heat.
1) HUMIDITY- The humidity is an index of the amount of water
vapours present in the air Relative Humidity is defined as
the amount of moisture in the air as compared with the
amount that the air could contain at saturation at the
same temperature usually expressed in percentage. The
effect of temperature is intimately associated with relative
humidity and degree of ventilation. High temperature can
be tolerated when the relative humidity is low. Higher the
temperature with high relative humidity can be withstood
if the rate of air circulation is high ( Pennathur, 1966).
According to Fox(1965) relative humidity should not
normally exceed 70%. Very low humidity may cause
discomfort through drying of nose and throat, especially if
the temperature ids high. Too high humidity may be partly
being responsible for the sensation of stuffiness in a
crowded room which is poorly ventilated.
2) Radiant Temperature- Radiant heat is a form of
electromagnetic energy similar to visible light but of
longer wavelength. Radiant heat levels should not be too
high or too low for individual doing light work. Radiation
can contribute substantially to heat stress imposed on the
worker. Globe thermometer is used to evaluate this factor.
3) Air Movement- The speed of air movement at the
workplace makes a major contribution to evaporative and

convective heat exchange by man. According to Fox

Provided the air and radiant temperature are correct, the
ideal level of air movement is 30 ft/min
4) Effective Temperature- (ET)-The effective temperature
is a sensory index of the degree of warmth that a person
engaged in light activity would experience upon exposure
to different combination of air temperature humidity and
air movement. (CET) is available for use where radiant
heat is present. The ET or CET doesnt take the metabolic
heat production into account. It is based only on sensation
of Comfort
or Discomfort. The Effective Temperature correlates to the
effect of temperature, humidity and air movement and is
expresses them in terms of subjective feeling of warmth
and cold.
For Thermal comfort in
Light or sedentary work
For efficient Production
Prevention of steep fall in
Safe tolerable limits for
every day work
-Light (150 watts)
-Moderate (250 watts)
-Heavy (350 watts)



Source- Saha.P.N-1991
Air Temperature is take byand Kata Thermometer.

Wet bulb, dry bulb, Black globe,

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