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What is knowledge? Its a group of wide and deep ideas and contents you get from study or
experience. Scientific knowledge has to be: objective, systematic, verifiable and
Do science and technique contribute to real human progress? Technology has become a
powerful weapon in international relations, helping the humanitys development, but its fast
growing has deepened peoples inequalities. Science must serve knowledge and reason to
contribute to human emancipation. Technology has invaded our society, changing our
surroundings and changing ourselves and our values. Some scientists think that technology is
the solution for our problems, others are explaining the terrible consequences these
achievements are causing. As a consequence, the modern man lacks of compromise and
Has our society the right to choose the kind of scientific progress we wish, to wonder about its
impact and decide who takes advantage of all this?
Can the scientific and technological progress take us towards something new which makes us
free or are we going to destruction? Today we give more importance to new projects and
technologies than to sport. It is giving us values such as respect, responsibility, creativity,
patience, humility, education, etc. which are very important for people as they help us in life
much more than virtual games that keep us at home, living in an unreal world, trying to escape
or forget real and everyday problems. We are spoiling our health, whereas sport helps us to be
fit and healthy. It takes us to nature, helps us to be in contact with other people and, at the
same time, we are apart from consumerism and the citys decadence.

We want to express that nowadays, thanks to all the scientific and technological advances, the
human being feels powerful. We want to climb higher and higher, losing our humanity,
believing we do the right thing, forgetting nature and what is really important in life.

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