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Analytic Reflective Essay Menu Item #1



For my first menu item, I chose to attend an event though a

month long program called Love Out Loud. Love Out Loud is the
month long event that Camino Church at The Way participates in that
strives to help the community. The specific event that I attended was
designed to help homeless people. When I got there, I signed in and
got a t-shirt and a nametag (which I will be using for my artifacts).
Then, I was sent to a station where I would hand out blankets and book
bags to those in need. Honestly, when I first got there, I expected the
homeless people to be a little and maybe even a little mean. However,
as the day progressed, I realized that they were some of the nicest
people that I have ever met. They only took what they needed, and
were very friendly and grateful. I learned many things by attending this
event. First, my stereotype that homeless people might be a little
mean and selfish was completely wrong, and I learned that they are (in
general) very friendly, and I would not have been able to learn this
from behind a computer screen. I also went in to this event thinking
that I was going to simply help some homeless person have a good day
and get some food and clothes for the week. However, I felt like these
people impacted my life as much or more than I impacted theirs. Their
smile and kind spirit despite their circumstances was very infectious. I
am now much more grateful for how blessed I am to have a roof over

my head and food every night. In a way, I want to be more like these
people and have their positive attitude and kind spirit!

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